So, will the deaf culture be there?

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So, you propose going totally cyborg? That's asinine!

I'm no scientist, I have no idea what technology will exist in 50 years. Can you imagine what the Deaf community in the 1940's would have said about electrodes inserted in the inner ear that stimulate the nerve allowing children to hear at "normal" levels, even with a completely profound loss? Who knows what will happen? Why is that asinine?
one thing for sure.. im fuking happy to be able to have my 5 seconds of full hearing here and there.... rather than hearing robotic sounds for my life..
But would deaf people be treated differently if they can hear and understand and communicate freely through listening?

they may be part of the hearing society but that doesn't stop the different treatment of deaf people because I'm sure they will still exist. In fact, those who is cured probably ask themselves, "ugh, what if cure didn't exist, do I really want these people to treat me the way they treated those deaf people? " And how can you tell a parent won't treat her child any difference when she is reminded that her child was born deaf. I've already seen parents treat their child differently from other kids because they almost died.

Why are you determine to believe more hearing will fix all this?
Wirelessly posted

faire_jour said:
And that's a shame that society thinks it is ok to treat us like crap all because we don't hear like they do? Society or hearing people are the ones who should be ashamed, not us.

No one says it is ok, just that it is a fact. It happens, and it sucks.


You ignore those many threads and posts that deaf people being treated like crap, like child, or something.

Not mention to outside of the Internet. I had experience it before.

Well, I guess you won't admit that you want to see deaf children to be normal and ASL is not needed. :)
I am not keen that when technology changes people's attitudes being influenced by the cultural differences. Technology is obviously too anthentic and confusing people's minds who relies on between reality and fiction, like a technology addicting.

yeah we are in there already.

I agree that having ASL is useful. I notice that my two hearing kids argued each other. One of them blurted out using ASL to each other and then one of them calm down then have a normal talk but it wasn't long enough. LOL. It was Interesting to see them calm down for a few seconds before they open their mouths once again!
Technology is changing the way we all communicate, hearing or deaf. It's radically expanding our ability to reach one another and it's also creating a whole new set of challenges. I'm not saying it's all positive, that's for certain (although I do see a whole lot of good), but for good or bad, why or how would any culture freeze itself in time (and in this case, which time period is optimal?)?

What makes Deaf culture, well, cultural, is the language and the ability to maintain a sense of distinct community. CIs don't eliminate ASL, they simply add access to another language as well.
And that's a shame that society thinks it is ok to treat us like crap all because we don't hear like they do? Society or hearing people are the ones who should be ashamed, not us.
It's not so much that "hearing people are treating deaf people like crap". It's just that a majority of them are just simply caught up with their own needs, wants and problems.

For instance, I doubt that the majority of the deaf are doing much to help the physically challenged. Is that an indication of that the "deaf are treating the physically challenged like crap...?". No, it's simply an implication that the majority of the deaf are simply too caught up with their own lives.
It's not so much that "hearing people are treating deaf people like crap". It's just that a majority of them are just simply caught up with their own needs, wants and problems.

For instance, I doubt that the majority of the deaf are doing much to help the physically challenged. Is that an indication of that the "deaf are treating the physically challenged like crap...?". No, it's simply an implication that the majority of the deaf are simply too caught up with their own lives.

At least physically challenged people are provided a wheelchair to get around and people don't expect them to walk-only. But physically challenge is alot different than communication. If you don't think communication is all that important, try isolating yourself in a one room cell for a long time without a single human being. So why are u making excuses for crappiness even for physically challenged ?
Fully accessible language is important, not just accessible hearing here and there that some of us get from HAs/CI.
And we are not about ears either where the more hearing you have, the more superior you are (brain - wise, that is). Clerc was punished for not forming his mouth right because they feel that oral speech and lipreading is better. They didn't care about his well being, they only cared if he could speak.
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It's not so much that "hearing people are treating deaf people like crap". It's just that a majority of them are just simply caught up with their own needs, wants and problems.

For instance, I doubt that the majority of the deaf are doing much to help the physically challenged. Is that an indication of that the "deaf are treating the physically challenged like crap...?". No, it's simply an implication that the majority of the deaf are simply too caught up with their own lives.

Oh really?

Can you explain why my brother got treated inferior than me all because he has no speech skills but I do?
I'm no scientist, I have no idea what technology will exist in 50 years. Can you imagine what the Deaf community in the 1940's would have said about electrodes inserted in the inner ear that stimulate the nerve allowing children to hear at "normal" levels, even with a completely profound loss? Who knows what will happen? Why is that asinine?

The more technology advances the less that a human will remain human. You will eventually remove the human component if technology keeps pushing forward and forward. Yes, CI's help people that can use them. It doesn't help SOME people and yet others will not benefit from a CI. Even still, it's wires and such, going into the skull. This is a first step towards technology taking over the body. They already use robotics for some paraplegics and such. This has been going on for a while.

This is all my opinion, but I feel that the human race needs to stop and think before all this technology takes over. With that thought, I believe that the Deaf Culture will remain. It may change and evolve with the passage of time, but there will still be some type of Deaf Culture.
The more technology advances the less that a human will remain human. You will eventually remove the human component if technology keeps pushing forward and forward. Yes, CI's help people that can use them. It doesn't help SOME people and yet others will not benefit from a CI. Even still, it's wires and such, going into the skull. This is a first step towards technology taking over the body. They already use robotics for some paraplegics and such. This has been going on for a while.

This is all my opinion, but I feel that the human race needs to stop and think before all this technology takes over. With that thought, I believe that the Deaf Culture will remain. It may change and evolve with the passage of time, but there will still be some type of Deaf Culture.

It's not so much that "hearing people are treating deaf people like crap". It's just that a majority of them are just simply caught up with their own needs, wants and problems.

That's ridiculous. Because they're "caught up in their own needs, wants and problems," it gives them the "okay" to mock deaf people's speech, signing and communication skills? I think not.

For instance, I doubt that the majority of the deaf are doing much to help the physically challenged. Is that an indication of that the "deaf are treating the physically challenged like crap...?". No, it's simply an implication that the majority of the deaf are simply too caught up with their own lives.

You cannot equate the two. We don't expect those physically challenged to miraculously overcome their challenges by expecting them to walk if they can't, or use an arm if they don't have one. The deaf people don't mock them or treat them "like crap" "because we're too caught up in our own lives." We don't mock them because we just don't.
Even still, it's wires and such, going into the skull. This is a first step towards technology taking over the body.

Or maybe it's the first step in humans taking over the technology.
Are the answers to these two questions the same?

1) Will the deaf culture be there if everyone gets the CI?

2) Will the deaf culture be there if the future technology can actually "cure" the deafness? (Just assume it's 100% unmistakable safe cure)
Grendel, exactly!! CIs do not eliminate ASL! It just ADDS another language.
It's exactly like the way Spanish is still widely spoken in Holyoke, even though many if not most Borucia (sp?..meaning Purteo Ricans) can speak English pretty well. Two of my friends are Borucia and they are fluent in both English and Spanish. But simply b/c they speak English, it hasn't turned them into Anglos who are basicly Average American suburbanites.
faire joure, Yes, I have met CI kids who are doing well. They are still pretty much functionally hoh. I think what you're missing is that booth performance really doesn't translate well in the real world. Heck, even LATE DEAFENED people complain that they don't have access to the hearing world. (although with them they have access to the hearing impaired world, rather then the deaf world, since they don't identify with being strongly visual) That should tell you something!! A lot of times a dhh person's speech perception has more to do with how well a hearing person speaks. It's hard to explain exactly......but hearing people who are regularly exposed to dhh folks tend to subconsciously modify their speech, to make it easier for the dhh person to understand.
I remember when I would return to college after month break my friends would have to relearn how to modfify their speech patterns, and when I went to my camp reunions, people who hadn't seen me since I was a teen, had trouble understanding my speech, and I had trouble understanding their speech as well. Bear in mind, that I have pretty good speech, and can access quite a bit of sound with my hearing aids.
I don't know where the dividing line is between hearing and hoh. There are prolly some "almost hearing" kids in the current batch of implantees........but functionally hoh does NOT mean hearing. We can be "almost hearing" I know quite a few born/early hoh people who consider themselves "almost hearing" ....but only time will tell.
After all, the CI doesn't help with accents or noisy listening situtions or people who don't have good speaking abilty. Even the best hearing aids/CIs cannot overcome bad speakers. Those of us who are orally fluent and have a lot of access to speech still say "What?" a lot.
It's like saying that if you're a good driver under perfect conditions, you'll be a good driver in tropical storm or snowy conditions or whatever horrible conditions.
and faire joure, I think you're missing something. Even among oral sucesses, it is VERY common for them to learn ASL as a second language! I actually have seen parents say that they're NOT against ASL....they just want their kids to have decent oral skills...and you know I think with the fact that this generation of parents may have been actually exposed to REAL LIVE dhh kids, that they might be more open to ASL.
It does seem like a lot of parents who chose oral only are doing so b/c they know NOTHING about the honest to god day to day lives of dhh people.
Matter of fact 20% of NTID students start out not knowing ASL!!!!
I think this batch of kids is going to be a mix. Yes, some kids will be "almost hearing"
and really thrive in the mainstream. But many others will deal with the exact same stuff that past generations of hoh kids have and do.
I do think that non orally skilled Deaf culture IS endangered. That population is going to be very small in the future. BUT, oral sucesses just means that Deaf culture will be more hoh friendly.
and faire joure, I think you're missing something. Even among oral sucesses, it is VERY common for them to learn ASL as a second language! I actually have seen parents say that they're NOT against ASL....they just want their kids to have decent oral skills...and you know I think with the fact that this generation of parents may have been actually exposed to REAL LIVE dhh kids, that they might be more open to ASL.
It does seem like a lot of parents who chose oral only are doing so b/c they know NOTHING about the honest to god day to day lives of dhh people.
Matter of fact 20% of NTID students start out not knowing ASL!!!!
I think this batch of kids is going to be a mix. Yes, some kids will be "almost hearing"
and really thrive in the mainstream. But many others will deal with the exact same stuff that past generations of hoh kids have and do.
I do think that non orally skilled Deaf culture IS endangered. That population is going to be very small in the future. BUT, oral sucesses just means that Deaf culture will be more hoh friendly.

Actually, the math says the opposite is true and that most people with a hearing loss do NOT use ASL.
Actually, the math says the opposite is true and that most people with a hearing loss do NOT use ASL.

Of course that is true when you consider the fact 90% of the people with hearing loss in the USA is over 65 years old...........
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