so who is the hottest girl on this board?

Great post, Diedra; based on what you said, I'm going with all the gals here, especially Reba!
Aww Thanks for those who choose me, I'm flatter and blushing the same time. :Oops:

I think a lot of women here are beautiful, and beauty within themselves too. I've seen pictures in members thread and I gotta say they are all beauitful, Yes that included you too, GalaxyAngel, You're not ugly and you know it! ;)
Peachy Lady said:
I guess no one thought I was hot? :dunno:

Not everyone has voted yet...

But I have to say, AD has some exceptionally lovely women - lovely minds, lovely hearts. And if speaking your mind is HOT - well, all the AD Ladies qualify.
Thanks AJ, I am flattering that you say that!

Does anyone thinks I am hot? I may not look hot like Britney Spears or Beyonce. What matters is the inside of you even myself. Anyone care to say how hot I am?

I think you're drop dead gorgeous!!!!!! Just like Miss-Delectable and Catmandu and Angel and Cheri and FreeWoman77 and everyone who I didn't mention!
Peachy Lady said:
I guess no one thought I was hot? :dunno:

well...with our relationship i cant really say your hot. thats kind of gross. i can tell you that ur beautiful though
My two oldest daughters think that they have hot and cool But I know what u mean, AJ. :kiss:
Thanks to all ADers for saying that all ladies on AD are hot. We do have some nice men here as well!
Peachy Lady said:
My two oldest daughters think that they have hot and cool But I know what u mean, AJ. :kiss:

i think that ur daughters are hot. especially the oldest one :D
Peachy Lady said:
Yep u told me...many times. smile Well, they are smaller version of moi. wink

lol, u just ruined it . now when i think of them, im gonna think of u and i dont want to think of my mama as hot.
If ya'll wanna see it goes:

Obviously, none of you have ever seen Vampy in drag. It’s a sight to behold. :mrgreen:
Endymion said:

I think you're drop dead gorgeous!!!!!! Just like Miss-Delectable and Catmandu and Angel and Cheri and FreeWoman77 and everyone who I didn't mention!

was told only attractive, now ^, thanks