So what's the deal?

a chode is like an electrode going through a radio isnt it? its a part of a radio or phone hookup

Ahem, no ... the word is very rude and it's referred to a male organ. Ok?
I used to tell relay operators, "thanks. have a nice day" years ago even to the unpleasant ones (I was able to tell whenever they weren't being friendly, etc.) Now, I usually say "Thank you or No, but thank you." I am kind of afraid I was taking up their times just to say that.

I personally miss the way the relay services used to be. My hearing grandmother does too. It would be cool if the operators we had back in the early to mid-1990's were members here at AllDeaf. They knew us by our names. :)

my sister is a relay operator she says it always makes her feel good when someone says any sort of thank you and it is not taking up her time! she says she wishes she could say "hey thank you you have a good day too! :) " but it is against the rules.

that would be nice but i think it is illegal isn't it?
I spent a few years relaying calls as an operator and I have to wonder as I have all along....why are deaf people on the whole so rude? I've seen the posts in here that say "Oh it's a character flaw" blah blah blah but that really isn't going to work on me. I averaged about 2,000 calls per months...granted only half of those were legitimate, that's still a good 20,000 conversations I've personally been involved in between deaf and hearing individuals, and a vast majority of deaf people are not only rude they literally expect people to bend over and kiss their ass.

LOL. I find it incredibly amusing how someone who has very little experience with Deaf people goes out of their way to judge them as being rude. I rarely use the relay service, but when I do, then I am always polite to the RO. "A vast majority of deaf people are rude??" Gee, you did a lot of research there, didn't you?

I am profoundly Deaf and I have had plenty of hearing people be rude to me. I was bullied by them all through high school and endured plenty of shit from several of them in my adult life. However, I do not judge hearing people as being rude simply because of a few negative experiences that I had.

There are rude people everywhere. It has nothing to do with whether you're Deaf or hearing.

I think it all traces back to this whole "deaf culture" isolationism that actually encourages deaf people to separate themselves from the rest of the world.

And you studied Deaf culture when? Never, which is obvious by this statement. If you did, then you would know that Deaf culture does not encourage isolation at all. It simply discusses things such as values and beliefs, mannerisms and so on that are used in the Deaf community - there is nothing there about being isolated at all. In fact, a lot of my good friends are hearing.

I love that deaf people don't want to consider themselves disabled that being called Hearing Impaired or Disabled is offensive to many deaf individuals, until they're collecting SSI that is. It's ok if the government defines them as disabled because that's a free paycheck.

Lmao at this remark. I never deny being disabled. The simple definition of the word, "disabled" is. "A person having a physical or mental condition that limits movements, senses, or activities." I understand that being deaf is a physical condition and it limits my hearing, so yes, I am disabled.

I don't get any free paycheck. However, hearing people get pensions too as well as Deaf people, so what exactly was the point of this comment? If a person does not consider themselves elderly, does that mean they shouldn't get a pension?

Yea I'm probably venting a bit, and I'm intelligent enough to know that not every deaf person falls under that category...but if you believe that the majority aren't like that you're deceiving yourself.

Frankly I'm glad I wasn't born deaf, I don't know that I could handle the asshole I might have become had I been exposed to "deaf culture" without the benefit of having seen the rest of the world first.

So you aren't being an asshole now? That's news to me. Actually if you had been born Deaf, you might have grown up to possess a little more intellect and maturity than you do now.

Oh just as a tip to you guys....when you're rude to the operator, they fuck your calls up on purpose and if you really want to do something to advance yourself...learn to spell and type.

How professional. And people paid you're supposed to do your job? I have had a few rude people to cope with in my job every now and then, but I still do a good job for them because I'm a professional and I'm there to do the job that I get paid for.

Do you seriously think that Deaf people WANT a third person listening in on all of their private conversations? Don't flatter yourself.

Spell and type? Hmmm, well I have 2 uni degrees and a lot of quals, so I'm already there.

If you had even bothered to do any research, you would know that Deaf education was very poor and a lot of Deaf people today had to attend schools, which were all oral without any assistance or interpreters. They never had the opportunity to receive a proper education.

There are some hearing people who can't spell or type either. Again, this has nothing to do with being hearing or Deaf.

I'm sure this post probably won't last too long, or hell maybe it will just so you guys can flame won't matter though because I won't be back to fuel it on, I'm not here to troll....I've just been putting up with shit for years and now that I don't have to, it's nice to be able to vent a little.

For all you guys that were decent, that said "thanks have a great day opr" you are the ones I enjoyed relaying for. For the rest of you that treat your operators like your slave...I hope you choke on a chode.

I was one of the ones that was decent. You were downright rude in your post. I'm not surprised that you're not coming back. Most people who write hate messages on the Internet are usually just boring and sad people who have nothing better to do.
Please have respect for operators. Just think............ what if I was rude to the person who put turbo in my car??? That mechanic will not want to tell me how to use turbo properly. Therefore, it's better to be nice than not.
Guys - this thread is from 2008!!

Seems like Miss Traverse may have found this thread through Google and signed up to respond. AD's threads and posts are indexed on Google.

the problem is I don't know if her reply is the bolded part or not.
Well...I've encountered some incompetent relay operators myself....but it's rare, just with the "newbies" (perhaps)'s not a job that I would desire, that's for sure, or any customer service job.

Anyhow, I always end the call with a Thank You...have a good day....and most times, get the same response.

As for some deafies bad English, I've volunteered to make their calls before for them and never received a "Thank You" for it either.....

And one thing that happened to me once was that I called my sister via VP (she lives out of state)...and the operator somehow got engaged into a conversation with her....they were laughing and carrying on, while I just sat there in my chair!....Unbelievable! I clicked off! And my guess they were still talking to each other.....
Dispatch in a police station doesn't chatter w/ the caller. :

Actually, they do. We called 911 once when a neighbor was going on a drunken rampage and throwing things at our house and screaming. Dispatch kept us on the line and chatted about stuff I thought was STUPID. I was very upset because I was afraid of the crazy neighbor and I thought that since Dispatch was talking to us, the police weren't being dispatched. Later I learned they do this to *keep* the person on the line while police are en route
I worked for the blind for years in my state. Over half the deaf men are temperamental asshole children who know no bounds to rudeness! I've given up on ever wanting to meet another. And they fight the cochlear implant for their children! Go away and be silent! Go away!
I do not use Relay very much, only on calls that are pretty important. One was a ambulance call. that one went flawless and the situation was cleared up nicely in due time.

Operators generally do good work when going up against computer menus and so forth. Once in a while the company called, recently a mobile phone company of all things... we waited 10 minutes then transferred between two humans and the second could not be bothered to deal with it and sent Operator and i back to survey etc. We dont do surveys. A decision was made to essentially run out the existing phone and company and find another when the time comes. (We use another, better human support within limitations) One simple badly handled call by a company's own people can lose them a customer.

I do not make very many phone calls preferring old fashioned mail or in person. I have had a lifetime of phone calls, a dozen a day if not more in difficult situations related to work with much profanity. I remember one call I had picked up green peppers and beef tomatoes via airfreight 747 arrived in Kennedy airpoint cargo one afternoon. 6 pallets of the stuff. Going to Norristown PA grocery distribution. Well the beef tomatoes were under about 900 pounds of peppers on the pallet. I was prohibited from touching the cargo and figure they could not be bothered to care about the potential loss of tomatoes. I was also in my first year and still learning. (If I had that situation today I would have pulled over and restacked the stuff in addition using airride trailer)

The tomatoes were destroyed by the time they arrived next morning. Someone will have to pay for those lost tomatos. Well One payphone was to my dispatcher which developed into a second payphone call to the world trade towers which contained some people who were part of this freight. The third payphone eventually was connected to Holland where the food came from. ALL three payphones at the same time. all of them yelling with me in the middle in several languages. After a few minutes of that I hung up on all of them. They can sort it out themselves.

Ultimtaely the insurance paid the loss. Or the boss paid the cash value of the loss to keep the insurance from increasing in costs. But someone paid for a basic error. The tomatos were a loss as they were very well grown and packed perfect. Just the matter of half ton put on top of that then driven on crumbling roads on steel springs.

The one type of calls I do not do is person to person on relay. If there is any talking to be done they can come visit or I can go visit there. Alot of it is better that way in person. The Relay people dont need that difficulty.

Thinking about that particular situation it would have been a impossible for relay to be involved in. Not like that. I thought the people in the towers were pretty difficult but years later I don't worry about that anymore. Not after what happened up there.

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