AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Humans are VERY VERY FALIBLE!!!!!!!!!! Plus, I mean the entire Bible was preselected by a commitee of MEN.......MEN who are totally depraved (according to the Bible) Being an instrument of God doesn't change anything. That would be like asking a severely mentally retarded (like they can understand, and even talk or read context words) person to recite a Shakespere play verbatim. Man cannot accurantly transmit the wholeness of God.....they are too biased, and there's still tons and tons of disagreement over what verses mean.As a former minister that studied greek and hebrew in college, I'll tell you that any version of the bible available today has been GROSSLY mistranslated. There are TWO things wrong with a literal and infallible interpretation of the bible:
1. It was written by men, and men make mistakes and everything comes out through their own biases.
2. No one realizes that the Do's and Don'ts were CULTURAL. We, as a people, eat pork (an unclean meat) and I'm sure some of you fuck your wives when they're on their period. I'm sure some of you are fat (gluttony is a 'sin'), and have coveted (been jealous of) something your neighbor has. ALL of those things are terrible sins, according to the bible.