What mean "Authention: Open" select open or share, won't save "share",
SSID 1st with password fine then another 2rd SSID free Hotspot done then back 1st won't save password!! again I type password, I need update unmark/mark save password update future
touch-keyboard are very tiny, need larage size but VPAD and VP-200 are larage
please fix larage size update future
Linksys WRT54gs4 with DD-WRT work MVP, but only port 1720 can't both VP-200 and MVP for who call me, I choose MVP or Vp-200 for 1720, I choose VP-200 with 1720 but mvp and vp-200 work I call other,
I wish Port Triggering 1720 to (number) link to hovrs server (number) to 1720