So, This Is What Terri Want ?..

Fly Free said:
im sorry Cheri but i personally do not think u would make it past the security that is out front of the nursing home where Terri is
yeah I doubt the cops would let anyone in, expect for relatives and close friends of Terri.
^Angel^ said:
True, but if we can find a huge wooden log and have a few others hold it along with us and count to 3 then run passed the polices , to the door and hit it open, then we're in LOL

If you see two blondes girls get arrest on the news, then you know it's us ;)
yeah...and if my family sees that on TV, I would tell them stuff like "hey! it's those two twin blondies that I spoke to 'em on the net! I can't believe they really did this shit!"

Taylor said:
Reba, Just wanted to say thanks for pointing that out. I personally am very confused about this entire issue. Had I told a spouse that I didn't want to live like that, I'd hope that the plug (for me) would have been pulled a long time ago. At first, I thought the husband was doing the right thing and respecting his wife's wishes. Then other things come to light, such as your post, where he isn't honoring her wishes at all. I'm troubled by that. I'm also troubled by the inhumane way this whole process occurs.


You're not alone, I thought at first the husband was doing the right thing cause I didn't know much about this story until some Aders had posted links about this case, even reading some in the newspaper and watching the news, now I believe 100% that this it not what Terri wished for, and seeing how her husband is and seeing what others had said about him, now I see it very clearly and I'm on the parents and Terri's side!....

The more you read this case the more you would find something fishy about her husband....
I feel the right thing is being done, which should have been done a LONG time ago. The money from the lawsuit is almost out (from what the news said), meaning that her care would probably be paid for by our tax dollars. You guy can pray to god, allah, buddah, or to the countless number of gods that people believe in, she isn't going to get up and start feeding herself. This is nature. 50 years ago, if someone couldn't feed themselves, they die. I can't see artificially extending life through machines. Thank goodness we pulled the plug on my dad back in 1976. Seeing pictures of Terri's blank stares makes me happy that our family made the right choice in not keeping him alive artificially.
prostock19 said:
I feel the right thing is being done, which should have been done a LONG time ago. The money from the lawsuit is almost out (from what the news said), meaning that her care would probably be paid for by our tax dollars. You guy can pray to god, allah, buddah, or to the countless number of gods that people believe in, she isn't going to get up and start feeding herself. This is nature. 50 years ago, if someone couldn't feed themselves, they die. I can't see artificially extending life through machines. Thank goodness we pulled the plug on my dad back in 1976. Seeing pictures of Terri's blank stares makes me happy that our family made the right choice in not keeping him alive artificially.
thank you for posting such an perfect example about this!

although I'm sorry to hear about your dad...he's already at peace. :o

your family did indeed do the right thing instead of letting him suffer and all.
^Angel^ said:
True, but if we can find a huge wooden log and have a few others hold it along with us and count to 3 then run passed the polices , to the door and hit it open, then we're in LOL

If you see two blondes girls get arrest on the news, then you know it's us ;)

:rofl: and we would say :shock: THOSE are the 2 :crazy: twin blondes from AD!

but on a serious note -- i agree with Prostock on his comments:

I feel the right thing is being done, which should have been done a LONG time ago. The money from the lawsuit is almost out (from what the news said), meaning that her care would probably be paid for by our tax dollars. You guy can pray to god, allah, buddah, or to the countless number of gods that people believe in, she isn't going to get up and start feeding herself. This is nature. 50 years ago, if someone couldn't feed themselves, they die. I can't see artificially extending life through machines. Thank goodness we pulled the plug on my dad back in 1976. Seeing pictures of Terri's blank stares makes me happy that our family made the right choice in not keeping him alive artificially.

he does have a point abt the pre-technology era and ppl who were unable to feed themselves or any other basic living needs were usually allowed to die
Steel said:
yeah...and if my family sees that on TV, I would tell them stuff like "hey! it's those two twin blondies that I spoke to 'em on the net! I can't believe they really did this shit!"


hahaha I will just tell them I learn it from you! ;)
^Angel^ said:
True, but if we can find a huge wooden log and have a few others hold it along with us and count to 3 then run passed the polices , to the door and hit it open, then we're in LOL

If you see two blondes girls get arrest on the news, then you know it's us ;)

Thank you for let me know. I will check and will point out to my family... "This is 2 famous blondie twinnies from AD" :fingersx:
Reba said:
Why does Michael want to starve Terri? Here is the answer from Michael's brother:

Yes, I´m agree that remove feeding tube to starve Terri to death is an abuse and cruel. The doctor should do SOMETHING to put Terri sleep to save suffering like what the Vet did with pets.

"Because he's sticking by what he promised," Scott Schiavo, Michael's brother, said in a recent interview. "He wants to honor the last thing he can give to her."

Look Reba, Michael had been tried for 3 years with therapies for Terri and hope that therapy would work on her successful but it doesn´t works, that´s why he give up.

Excuse me? "Because he's sticking by what he promised"? What about his promise to stay faithful thru sickness and health, for better, for worse? How about honoring that?

I would not starve my hubby to death if he has a palayzed, Parkinson diease, Alzheimer, prostate cancer, lost limbs, etc etc etc but damaged brain....?

But severe damaged brain? I mean:
CAN´t talk
CAN´t read
CAN´t communicate
No feeling/emotion

I think it´s CRUEL and selfish to let my hubby carrying on living like this for rest of his life if he is in Terri´s shoes. I would put my hubby sleep gentle without suffering.

What you do when your cats/dogs are ill? I bet you would say it´s better to put them sleep to save their suffering.

If this were me, I wouldn't want to live like Terri. I let my hubby to put me sleep gentle instead of remove my feeding tube if the doctors tell my hubby that it´s no chance for therapies to improve my healthy.

I do not listen medias because the medias make alot of make up stories to influence people to beleive Terri´s parents´s side. I notice that Terri´s parents made more and more in the public than Michael. I had the feeling it´s Terri´s parents who made big scandal, that´s what my friends and I talked about this yesterday.

Why does Michael insist on cremating Terri immediately after her death, without an autopsy, and without honoring her Catholic beliefs?

Who says? Media?

Why autopsy? I see no sense why Terri need autopsy for BECAUSE Terri was in the nursing home, hospical, etc for 15 YEARS?

Look Reba, I am CATHOLIC and already told my hubby to cremate me when I dies.

Why does Michael refuse to allow last communion to Terri? Was that one of Terri's promises? I don't think so.

Who says? Media?

Why does Michael refuse to allow comfort to Terri thru the dying process? Why can't she have all her family present, why can't she have ice chips, why can't she have soothing music in her room?

Yes, you has a good point.
I know it would be nicer to have music for Terri in her room.
I know it´s harmless to comfort Terri with ice cubes.

Why does Michael insist on making Terri's death as unpleasant and mean as possible? How is that honoring Terri's wishes?

Like what I say in my previous post that Michael thought therapies would work success on Terri which he did for 3 years.
Yes, but Michael want to end Terri´s life in 1998 but Terri´s parents object it and made a scandal and get supporters to against Michael because he start to move on a new life 2 years after Terri´s collapsed.

I think it´s CRUEL and SELFISH what Terri´s parents did is make a scandals and get medias and supporters to make bad pictures about Michael. They made more in the public than Michael. Have you notice what Michael say anything bad about Terri´s parents?

I am neutral and take nobody´s side. I only say what I have opinion after watch on the TV.

Liebling:))) opinion:

I would suggest you to watch DVD "A Cry In The Dark", it´s true movie about Australian married couple named Lindy and Michael Chamberlain, the dingo took their baby daughter and kill her. They faced cruel, judging, bitching supporters thru medias who support Dingo. I feel terrible when I saw their movies and think of Terri´s case. I can image how Michael feels when he face judging and bitching supporters/medias since Terri´s parents made a scandal. Sorry, I think Terri´s parents are selfish. Sorry again because I don´t like to say this but I has to. Very sorry.
I re-read carefully.

I said to her, "Terri if you could only say ‘I want to live' this whole thing could be over today." I begged her to try very hard to say, "I want to live." To my enormous shock and surprise, Terri's eyes opened wide, she looked me square in the face, and with a look of great concentration, she said, "Ahhhhhhh." Then, seeming to summon up all the strength she had, she virtually screamed, "Waaaaaaaa."

It still can´t prove that Terri want to stay alive. I wish Terri can move her head to show the sign "No" or "Yes". She can move her head or what? Why can´t she do that? It´s simple to show the sign with her head "No" example like this

When I mentioned Jesus' Name, Terri again laughed out loud. She became very agitated and began loudly trying to speak to me again. As Terri continued to laugh and try to speak, I quietly prayed in her ear, kissed her, placed her in Jesus' care, and left the room.

It sounds that she looking forward to be with Jesus in the heaven.

Terri is still my thought and prayer.

It´s unfair for Terri to carry on like this for other 15 years.
No last rites or honoring Terri's Catholic beliefs?

Now, I'm not religious or anything like that.. but I'm a big believer in honoring others' beliefs, especially at death. I'd think Michael could have decency to honor Terri's rest of beliefs IF he claims he is just honoring her wishes about pulling the plug and all.

Allow me to explore other points of this unfortunate situation... :)

I have no formal opinions on the life or death choices for Terri.. because I am not sure of what she really wished for, and I have no knowledge of all factors in her case. It is really hard... because like many, I wouldn't want to be in a vegetative state for years and years. Maybe just a year.. but that's it.

It also seems cruel.... there was no official living will or advance directive... this is a prime opportunity to have people fight among themselves... especially good people. I think Terri's family seem like good people, and Michael may be a good person.. albeit having moved on with a new lady and new kids. But then again, I don't have all the factors... only spectulation. A couple of members here also shared their experiences about pulling the plug on their fathers, and they seem to be ok with it. Must've been hard for them too. Maybe Terri's kids feel the same way... when I see these photos of Terri laying on her bed, I feel like her soul's gone. Maybe a part of it still resides, but.. it's not all there. Know what I mean? That doesn't necessarily have to mean there gotta be a death sentence... which brings up another point: Quality of life.

How do you define the quality of life?
I am catholic... i know those religions...they don't believe to pull the plug which is a major issue.

I would have pulled the plug in the beginning than to have terri suffer 15 yrs even Terri went for therapy. nothing works...

this is real sad situation for Terri. Too many debates. :mad:
downing said:
I am catholic... i know those religions...they don't believe to pull the plug which is a major issue.

I would have pulled the plug in the beginning than to have terri suffer 15 yrs even Terri went for therapy. nothing works...

this is real sad situation for Terri. Too many debates. :mad:
That is funny, not believing to pull the plug. I am not religious, but to me, keeping her alive artificially is working AGAINST God's will. It's like you're playing God yourself by keeping her alive. If God wanted her alive, he would have made it possible for her to eat and drink.

Wow, did this non-religious person just say that? LOL
yeah I am not strong catholic anymore...because of too many regilion debates.. i just believe god. thats it. simple.
I am taking up a collection this week for possibly bailing the Blondes out of a Florida jail! :D
prostock19 said:
keeping her alive artificially is working AGAINST God's will. It's like you're playing God yourself by keeping her alive. If God wanted her alive, he would have made it possible for her to eat and drink.

Wow, did this non-religious person just say that? LOL

No, putting someone to death is against God's will, God provide doctors tools in order to save the patient's life, and when the patient no longer able to breath on his/her own, then yeah, they could pulled the plug but when a person is breathing on their own and using no life support machine and is starving slowly to death that is against God's will since its murder in the eye of God....

You don't end your life just cause you may have illness or brain damaged when you are still breathing without the use of any kinds of machines....

Michael is the one who is playing God by putting her to death when it not even her time to die....
Tousi said:
I am taking up a collection this week for possibly bailing the Blondes out of a Florida jail! :D

:rofl: very funni Tousi!
downing said:
yeah I am not strong catholic anymore...because of too many regilious debates.. i just believe god. thats it. simple.

That's because people keep mocking at what others may believe in, everyone believes in different type of religious and it not fair to judge them for what they believe in....

Like Terri's parents, some people think she is selfish to let her daug live and I don't see anything wrong with the choices that the parents made, if that what the parents believe then let them, I don't like it when people makes fun of them just cause they believe in something else that the others don't believe in...

I think people should respect others for what they may believe in and there wouldn't be such a debates...<< that's my opinion here...
Well, Angel, I am not criticizing the parents. I'm just saying what I would do. If my wife was like Terri(remember, I have stayed by her side all these 15 years)I would eventually come to the realization that I would be selfish and cruel to allow her to continue to suffer with no hope for improvement; my love for her would be strong enough to let her go to a happier place.

Of course we will be making our intentions clear in the near future and if she wants to possibly be like Terri which I doubt, I would not understand that but I would abide by it. As for me, I say let me go as I would be no benefit to anyone.

So how would you like to go (die) if you were in a similar situation as Terri? I don't mean for you to answer here (optional); just really think and ask yourself that..... :hug: