So, This Is What Terri Want ?..


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
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I, BARBARA WELLER, Attorney for Respondents in the above-styled case, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:

I visited with Terri at various times during the day on March 18, 2005, the day her feeding tube was removed.

During the morning I was in the room with Terri and various members of her family. Terri was in good spirits that morning. The mood in her room was jovial, particularly around noontime, as we knew Congressional attorneys were on the scene and many were working hard to save Terri's life. For most of that time, I was visiting and talking with Terri along with Terri's sister Suzanne Vitadamo, Suzanne's husband, and Terri's aunt, who was visiting from New York to help provide support for the family. A female Pinellas Park police office was stationed at the door outside Terri's room.

Terri was sitting up in her lounge chair, dressed and looking alert and well. Her feeding tube had been plugged in around 11 a.m. and we all felt good that she was still being fed. Suzanne and I were talking, joking, and laughing with Terri, telling her she was going to go to Washington D.C. to testify before Congress, which meant that finally Terri's husband Michael would be required to fix her wheelchair. After that Suzanne could take Terri to the mall shopping and could wheel her outdoors every day to feel the wind and sunshine on her face, something she has not been able to do for more than five years.

At one point, I noticed Terri's window blinds were pulled down. I went to the window to raise them so Terri could look at the beautiful garden outside her window and see the sun after several days of rain. As sunlight came into the room, Terri's eyes widened and she was obviously very pleased.

Suzanne and I continued to talk and joke with Terri for probably an hour or more. At one point Suzanne called Terri the bionic woman and I heard Terri laugh out loud heartily. She laughed so hard that for the first time I noticed the dimples in her cheeks.

The most dramatic event of this visit happened at one point when I was sitting on Terri's bed next to Suzanne. Terri was sitting in her lounge chair and her aunt was standing at the foot of the chair. I stood up and learned over Terri. I took her arms in both of my hands. I said to her, "Terri if you could only say ‘I want to live' this whole thing could be over today." I begged her to try very hard to say, "I want to live." To my enormous shock and surprise, Terri's eyes opened wide, she looked me square in the face, and with a look of great concentration, she said, "Ahhhhhhh." Then, seeming to summon up all the strength she had, she virtually screamed, "Waaaaaaaa." She yelled so loudly that Michael Vitadamo, Suzanne's husband, and the female police officer who were then standing together outside Terri's door, clearly heard her. At that point, Terri had a look of anguish on her face that I had never seen before and she seemed to be struggling hard, but was unable to complete the sentence. She became very frustrated and began to cry. I was horrified that I was obviously causing Terri so much anguish. Suzanne and I began to stroke Terri's face and hair to comfort her. I told Terri I was very sorry. It had not been my intention to upset her so much. Suzanne and I assured Terri that her efforts were much appreciated and that she did not need to try to say anything more. I promised Terri I would tell the world that she had tried to say, "I want to live."

Suzanne and I continued to visit and talk with Terri, along with other family members who came and went in the room, until about 2:00 p.m. when we were all told to leave after Judge Greer denied yet another motion for stay and ordered the removal of the feeding tube to proceed. As we left the room, the female police officer outside the door was valiantly attempting to keep from crying.

About four in the afternoon, several hours after the feeding tube was removed, I returned to Terri's room. By that time she was alone except for a male police officer now standing inside the door. When I entered the room and began to speak to her, Terri started to cry and tried to speak to me immediately. It was one of the most helpless feelings I have ever had. Terri was looking very melancholy at that point and I had the sense she was very upset that we had told her things were going to get better, but instead, they were obviously getting worse. I had previously had the same feeling when my own daughter was a baby who was hospitalized and was crying and looking to me to rescue her from her hospital crib, something I could not do. While I was in the room with Terri for the next half hour or so, several other friends came to visit and I did a few press interviews sitting right next to Terri. I again raised her window shade, which had again been pulled down, so Terri could at least see the garden and the sunshine from her lounge chair. I also turned the radio on in her room before I left so that when she was alone, she would at least have some music for comfort.

Just before I left the room, I leaned over Terri and spoke right into her ear. I told her I was very sorry I had not been able to stop the feeding tube from being taken out and I was very sorry I had to leave her alone. But I reminded her that Jesus would stay right by her side even when no one else was there with her. When I mentioned Jesus' Name, Terri again laughed out loud. She became very agitated and began loudly trying to speak to me again. As Terri continued to laugh and try to speak, I quietly prayed in her ear, kissed her, placed her in Jesus' care, and left the room.


I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this 22nd day of March, 2005, at Seminole, Florida.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of March, 2005.


It sure doesn't look like this is what Terri really wanted which made her unfaithful husband saying it was her wishes....yeah right! ..
I cannot read anymore of this, It breaks my heart and makes me end up in tears. It is so hard even through I don't know her personally but I care a great deal about her, and I felt so sorry that she has to go through this alone. :( And knowing that she now knows what is going on right now that she is dying and it's a scary thought expectly when someone like Terri is alone in the room and her family isn't allow to see her only Michael. It isn't fair because her parent cannot say their last goodbye to her before her eyes shuts and her heart stops.
same here i been cry now when i read abt her.. sigh!!! i wish i go to fla and support the family!!
TweetyBird said:
same here i been cry now when i read abt her.. sigh!!! i wish i go to fla and support the family!!

Yes, I wish I was in Florida now to give Terri a goodbye hug.
Actually Cheri, her parents are allowed to visit her but they have a police officer at Terri's door, so that no one seek to feed or give her any water...As Terri's mom tried to give her ice cube to moist Terri's lips but she was not allowed to....This whole thing really stinks! :(

I'm really sad too and I don't like this one bit...

Yeah me too, I will give her a nice gentle hug and tell her that she will be happy once she is with God and she will always be in our memories....I wouldn't care if I get arrest for giving her food or water either and I think that what Jesus would do too....
Cheri said:
Yes, I wish I was in Florida now to give Terri a goodbye hug.
oh yea me too... sigh... i still think of her.. i wanna give her HUGE hug!
^Angel^ said:
I wouldn't care if I get arrest for giving her food or water either and I think that what Jesus would do too....

That makes two of us, Mind sharing a jail cell with your sis? Dad not gotta be too happy to bail us out. ha! :whistle:
^Angel^ said:



I, BARBARA WELLER, Attorney for Respondents in the above-styled case, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:

I visited with Terri at various times during the day on March 18, 2005, the day her feeding tube was removed.

During the morning I was in the room with Terri and various members of her family. Terri was in good spirits that morning. The mood in her room was jovial, particularly around noontime, as we knew Congressional attorneys were on the scene and many were working hard to save Terri's life. For most of that time, I was visiting and talking with Terri along with Terri's sister Suzanne Vitadamo, Suzanne's husband, and Terri's aunt, who was visiting from New York to help provide support for the family. A female Pinellas Park police office was stationed at the door outside Terri's room.

Terri was sitting up in her lounge chair, dressed and looking alert and well. Her feeding tube had been plugged in around 11 a.m. and we all felt good that she was still being fed. Suzanne and I were talking, joking, and laughing with Terri, telling her she was going to go to Washington D.C. to testify before Congress, which meant that finally Terri's husband Michael would be required to fix her wheelchair. After that Suzanne could take Terri to the mall shopping and could wheel her outdoors every day to feel the wind and sunshine on her face, something she has not been able to do for more than five years.

At one point, I noticed Terri's window blinds were pulled down. I went to the window to raise them so Terri could look at the beautiful garden outside her window and see the sun after several days of rain. As sunlight came into the room, Terri's eyes widened and she was obviously very pleased.

Suzanne and I continued to talk and joke with Terri for probably an hour or more. At one point Suzanne called Terri the bionic woman and I heard Terri laugh out loud heartily. She laughed so hard that for the first time I noticed the dimples in her cheeks.

The most dramatic event of this visit happened at one point when I was sitting on Terri's bed next to Suzanne. Terri was sitting in her lounge chair and her aunt was standing at the foot of the chair. I stood up and learned over Terri. I took her arms in both of my hands. I said to her, "Terri if you could only say ‘I want to live' this whole thing could be over today." I begged her to try very hard to say, "I want to live." To my enormous shock and surprise, Terri's eyes opened wide, she looked me square in the face, and with a look of great concentration, she said, "Ahhhhhhh." Then, seeming to summon up all the strength she had, she virtually screamed, "Waaaaaaaa." She yelled so loudly that Michael Vitadamo, Suzanne's husband, and the female police officer who were then standing together outside Terri's door, clearly heard her. At that point, Terri had a look of anguish on her face that I had never seen before and she seemed to be struggling hard, but was unable to complete the sentence. She became very frustrated and began to cry. I was horrified that I was obviously causing Terri so much anguish. Suzanne and I began to stroke Terri's face and hair to comfort her. I told Terri I was very sorry. It had not been my intention to upset her so much. Suzanne and I assured Terri that her efforts were much appreciated and that she did not need to try to say anything more. I promised Terri I would tell the world that she had tried to say, "I want to live."

Suzanne and I continued to visit and talk with Terri, along with other family members who came and went in the room, until about 2:00 p.m. when we were all told to leave after Judge Greer denied yet another motion for stay and ordered the removal of the feeding tube to proceed. As we left the room, the female police officer outside the door was valiantly attempting to keep from crying.

About four in the afternoon, several hours after the feeding tube was removed, I returned to Terri's room. By that time she was alone except for a male police officer now standing inside the door. When I entered the room and began to speak to her, Terri started to cry and tried to speak to me immediately. It was one of the most helpless feelings I have ever had. Terri was looking very melancholy at that point and I had the sense she was very upset that we had told her things were going to get better, but instead, they were obviously getting worse. I had previously had the same feeling when my own daughter was a baby who was hospitalized and was crying and looking to me to rescue her from her hospital crib, something I could not do. While I was in the room with Terri for the next half hour or so, several other friends came to visit and I did a few press interviews sitting right next to Terri. I again raised her window shade, which had again been pulled down, so Terri could at least see the garden and the sunshine from her lounge chair. I also turned the radio on in her room before I left so that when she was alone, she would at least have some music for comfort.

Just before I left the room, I leaned over Terri and spoke right into her ear. I told her I was very sorry I had not been able to stop the feeding tube from being taken out and I was very sorry I had to leave her alone. But I reminded her that Jesus would stay right by her side even when no one else was there with her. When I mentioned Jesus' Name, Terri again laughed out loud. She became very agitated and began loudly trying to speak to me again. As Terri continued to laugh and try to speak, I quietly prayed in her ear, kissed her, placed her in Jesus' care, and left the room.


I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this 22nd day of March, 2005, at Seminole, Florida.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of March, 2005.


It sure doesn't look like this is what Terri really wanted which made her unfaithful husband saying it was her wishes....yeah right! ..

Sounds to me like this is what the lawyer wants.
Oceanbreeze said:
Sounds to me like this is what the lawyer wants.

LOL , it sounds to me that this is what the husband wants is her to you believe..
The lawyer Dibbs and Weller had presented this AND the audiotape to Judge Greer yesterday evening...and he actually listened to the audiotape of Terri vocalizing, and he STILL turned down the feeding tube request by the Schindler family (this noon today).

Judge Greer is such a stubborn, cold-hearted man. : P Seriously, for his outrageous actions he should resign right away!
Toonces said:
The lawyer Dibbs and Weller had presented this AND the audiotape to Judge Greer yesterday evening...and he actually listened to the audiotape of Terri vocalizing, and he STILL turned down the feeding tube request by the Schindler family (this noon today).

Judge Greer is such a stubborn, cold-hearted man. : P Seriously, for his outrageous actions he should resign right away!

Thank you Tonnces since I couldn't find the link to prove Oceanbreeze, I guess this is enough unless not!...

I agree about the Judge too btw! ;)
my mom and i talked abt this.. we think that husband is happy got won millions and now dont care abt wife and let her go .. he can marry his gf... that sooo SAD and MAKE ME SO MAD! tsk tsk!!!!! how shame on him!!!!!! :mad2: :mad2:
Mrs. Schiavo's parents claim that their daughter does not meet the definition of a persistent vegetative state. Her parents claim that she smiles, laughs, cries, moves and makes childlike attempts at speech and that she attempts to say "Mom" or "Dad" or "yeah" when they ask her a question. They claim that when they kiss her she looks at them and sometimes "puckers up" her lips. They cite the testimony and affidavits of 33 physicians and therapists (including 15 neurologists) who, after reviewing video segments provided by her parents, believe that Mrs. Schiavo should receive further tests and/or would likely respond to therapy. Only two of these physicians, however, had access to her full medical history and examined her in person. Some of these physicians have claimed that there is a "strong likelihood that Mrs. Schiavo is in a 'minimally conscious state.'" There were six video segments provided by Schiavo's parents totaling four minutes and twenty seconds in length (edited down from four and a half hours of videotape). The video selected for these segments may be indicative of her general responsiveness or they may represent moments where Schiavo's behavior seemed to be coincidentally appropriate to what was going on around her; the rest of the recorded video has not been released publicly. [9]

Mrs. Schiavo's parents claim that on the day her feeding tube was removed, she attempted to say "I want to live." An emergency motion to restore the feeding tube claims that "she managed to articulate the first two vowel sounds, first articulating AHHHHHHH and then virtually screaming WAAAAAAAA." [10] The alleged incident occured only in the presence of family members and has not been independently confirmed; Schiavo has not been able to speak since the heart attack in 1990. The alleged incident also occurred at a time when it should have been observed and reported by the media, but was not.

emphasis mine and key is the underlined...

anyway how do they know Terri is going to end with "to live" ? it could be "to die" ??
There is one part that is left out ...that's when the lawyer Weller told Terri that they wanted to remove the feeding tube and let her starve to death, and Terri got agitated. It doesn't sound like she wanted to die.

Here's the link: Attorney: Terri cried at news
Toonces said:
There is one part that is left out ...that's when the lawyer Weller told Terri that they wanted to remove the feeding tube and let her starve to death, and Terri got agitated. It doesn't sound like she wanted to die.

Here's the link: Attorney: Terri cried at news

Thanks Toonces for finding good articles.. *Mwah* :hug:

Weller essentially told Terri Schiavo, "You had better say you want to live or they will kill you. Just say you want to live."

Schiavo responded with a drawn out, "IIIIII," then screamed out "waaaaaaaa" so loudly that a police officer stationed outside the room came in.

The officer then ordered Weller removed from the room, according to Terry.

The event was witnessed by Terri Schiavo's sister Suzanne Vitadamo and Suzanne's husband Michael.

"I talked to Suzy and Michael, and they both said it was unbelievable," Terry said. "It was very articulate, for Terri, but they also say this is normal [for her to communicate]."
TweetyBird said:
my mom and i talked abt this.. we think that husband is happy got won millions and now dont care abt wife and let her go .. he can marry his gf... that sooo SAD and MAKE ME SO MAD! tsk tsk!!!!! how shame on him!!!!!! :mad2: :mad2:

I'm missing something. How is the husband going to get millions if she dies? I've heard he was offered millions to let her live and he turned them down saying that she didn't want to live like that and was following her wishes (prior to her becoming ill). I'm curious as to how the husband will get millions as I must have missed that part of this whole story.
I don't think so... Terri wants die her wishes.. Michael made his up story againist Terri.

What Michael afraid of... When Terri wake up and talk.. "I WANT DIVORCE". What Michael will reacts ? Or... *yelling*"MICHAEL ABUSED ME, NOW I REMEMBER WHAT HAPPEND!"... How can He feel ? May be Michael might hiding sumth'n.. all he want her rotten in hell and make her turns into rot apple.

Terri's body turns into rotten and become dry flakey lips and shrunk her eyes... become little bleed.. That is... MICHAEL ABUSE HER.. what he really want her DIE!

I do not suppor that...
I'm here help fight for Terri..

Everything court is really STOOOOOOOOOOOPID LAW THEIR OWN.. not follow the book of jursurcation! (sp)

Court is not "GOD".. "which it's very poor judgement condiser!"
GOD is very good judgement and love all peoples... and will take care of Michael Shivaho.