RR I'm so glad that the guy was a bad aim and didn't get your son. And I'm glad that your son was a GOOD aim and got the guy pretty good. Sounds like he must have broken the guy's nose if the result was two swollen eyes!!
I bet that is what hindered him from getting away - the pain is excruciating and you can't see!
At this point I think he probably learned his lesson about not giving up the wallet. I wouldn't mention it. Instead, when he is feeling up to it, I'd ask him how he would handle it differently if it were to happen again. Let HIM be the one to say that he would hand over the wallet...
My son went through something very similar. The difference was there was no guns, HIS nose was broken because they tapped him on the back and when he turned around they smashed him in the face and knocked him out - AND they got the wallet. I'm sure they found his ID that said he was a member of the local Police Dept.
His girlfriend was also beat up, it took three guys over 6'3" to beat up kids (age 18).
So being that the girl (who is also a member of the PD) and witnesses called 911, 7 police cars and a helicopter arrived.
They caught the guy but he had an alibi...
Shel, I hope that your daughter has a speedy recovery. It's sad that things got so infected but luckily it was caught in time. She has her life and we are all thankful for that.