I was told this morning about the three threads from an AllDeaf member, so had to catch up on the reading...and boy, did I get a headache and dismay about some formerly "level-headed" members...
Alex established rules for AllDeaf and they have been there from the very beginning ... it is just no excuse for what went on in those threads. The moderators and he have been busy keeping AllDeaf to what it is today, a forum where all could post open-handed and with open minds... when it goes to a level to where it ended up last night, it gives all of us, including those who did not post or posted positively, a huge black eye.
I do have to agree with Alex and RoadRunner, that if it had continued, those who kept posting would have been banned without warning, if it was the only way to stop AllDeaf from becoming a shambles.
I know some of you will be upset with what I'm saying, and probably wanting to flame me, but there are times when we should exercise our common sense, and ask questions first before firing off a salvo of insults, flamers, and even name-calling.
I agree that it is the moderators and Alex's priviledge if they decide to reinstain a banned member, with a warning that if it happens again, the member will be banned with no chance of coming back again. And again, Im very sure that the member knows now what he has to do in order to stay on AllDeaf.
I just hope that the member will do a better job of controlling himself - I myself have had a few run-ins with him over not one, but TWO sensitive topics... and I do have to admit that he has brought up a few important points here and there in other threads.
Now that all have been said, and all have had their words wedged in, let's go back to business as usual on AllDeaf.
*flipping over closed sign to read open*
AllDeaf is open for business, come on in.