We're just alike, ya know? SO extroverted!
hell at one point, Jiro assumed we were the same person! Just wild!
Should've went with it, yeah I sign in to multiple accounts for your fancy! LOL
Oh my!
I think I'm a bit meaner than you are, Jess. :P You're all nice and sweet and I'm all mean and with the hissing and punching in the face.... *whispers* I gets in the troubles... for the viciousness and the violent things....
*Slaps hand with ruler* Actually, I think in my case I get sprayed with water bottles...
You have a much longer fuse than I do... maybe when you're drinking your fuse is a bit shorter but on a day to day basis you're much nicer than I am by far! I have a low tolerance for BS up front and am definitely vicious! I has... a big... mouth...
I writes... the nasty emails... and I gets in the troubles...
I am defensive... :P CREEPERS! *cracks knuckles* Defensive and effective.... that's all that matters...
As I said though, you're much sweeter than I am, at least for a while... :P
Oh wow, I had no idea!
Well, spelling, punctuation and grammar are similar, but that comes with education...
Drinking... well that's what Tampa and high stress jobs do to you...
( Eastern European heritage has that toll as well
) Oh my...
Well, we can't help being awesome, that comes with the territory. :P
Should have totally went with it, could have PM'd me!