Snake Eating a Kangaroo

The lion video reminds me of a picture I saw somewhere of a bunch of dogs eating a guy. :eek: :eek2: :barf:
good vid

it makes me wonder... what was this retard doing? how did they get him.?
have you ever noticed that in the wild..stupid animals do not live long? :bye:

well stupid humans live and breed! we need more lions to eat the stupid people.
that's a snake....know why? They eat things bigger than themselves, part of their nature, but gross.
Steel said:
that snake must be totally stupid lol it's going to have a very difficult time shitting after eating something thats way bigger than the snake itself.

Yeah, that snakes rest & sleep with no eat for a week after eat big animal.

send me a PM please. I'm kinda curious...

Yes, I didnt forget that you want to see it. Sorry to have you wait long... I´m pretty busy and I will try this week... :thumb:
bluegecko474 said:
Here is the worse one. There is a video of pack of lion eats a man. Here is the link:

Yes, I know it´s terrible for the family to withness their husband and father. I know what I am saying because I have the similar video as your but your is "cut"...

My video began to show:

I can say that there´re 2 famliy cars because one of them film. It look like that 2 families cars. A family man (exactly movie what you send here) got out of his car to leave his wife, baby and a little girl in car. His wife said something "Don´t please......" A man with his own film camera ignored her and talked to other car who filmed him. A man go to near "lazy" lion to film but he wasn´t realized that other lion attacked back of him while he was still filmed lazy lion. Other man and a man´s wife got out of car tried to help him but they realized that more lions comes so they has no choice and go to back to their cars because their families are in the cars. They witnessed how a husband and father fought for his life against 3 or 4 lions but he lost his battle against lions................ now see what this video you send here...........

It´s terrible nighmare for wife and children, and other families car, too.
I know I still have video somewhere in my file...
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes, I know it´s terrible for the family to withness their husband and father. I know what I am saying because I have the similar video as your but your is "cut"...

My video began to show:

I can say that there´re 2 famliy cars because one of them film. It look like that 2 families cars. A family man (exactly movie what you send here) got out of his car to leave his wife, baby and a little girl in car. His wife said something "Don´t please......" A man with his own film camera ignored her and talked to other car who filmed him. A man go to near "lazy" lion to film but he wasn´t realized that other lion attacked back of him while he was still filmed lazy lion. Other man and a man´s wife got out of car tried to help him but they realized that more lions comes so they has no choice and go to back to their cars because their families are in the cars. They witnessed how a husband and father fought for his life against 3 or 4 lions but he lost his battle against lions................ now see what this video you send here...........

It´s terrible nighmare for wife and children, and other families car, too.
I know I still have video somewhere in my file...

You say full "uncut" video blip ? Let me know, I would love to curiouis.
OK thx :ty:
Animals are stupid sometimes: why the fuck would they EAT A HUMAN!? God.
have you all seen a movie called ghosts of the darkness it is true story
based in africa where 2 lions killed humans it happens in 1896

the bodies of the lions can been seen in Field's museum in chicago i have seen them

my guess there is would be something that make animals eat big animals
moonflower said:
have you all seen a movie called ghosts of the darkness it is true story
based in africa where 2 lions killed humans it happens in 1896

the bodies of the lions can been seen in Field's museum in chicago i have seen them

my guess there is would be something that make animals eat big animals

thay found out that the loins that were eating humans had bad teeth and humansare softer then most of the rest of a lions diet i belive i saw the PBS/NOVa thing about it. the one lion was sick and praying on easy kills ie humans. Sharks only go after humas because we look like fish sometimes thay spit us out. pary animels ushaly only atack humans when we look vaulernable or are thretining them or their young.