hhmmm good ???
I am a smoker, I do not like it, and am going to be quiting hhopefully, I have tried several times, but so far no luck
I do not look badly on ppl who smoke, we all make mistakes. I smoke in the house I am living in now, basicly because they do. But when I have my own house, I do not smoke inside anymore. I smoked when I was pregnant with my son, well, the last month of the pregnancy I did not, I did quit once before, I quit one month before my son was born and I started smoking again when my daughter was 6 months old. (that was two years I did not smoke) When I did not smoke no one was allowed to smoke in my house, and my husband at the time smoked still, he went outside. even after starting smoking again I did not like it in the house around the kids, my son HATES smoke! When I was a kid, my dad smoked, my mom never did, I have asthma now too, so does my mom, so the asthma thing just depends mainly if you carry the gene...yes smoking while pregnant can increase the possibility, but mainly you have to have it in your genes. I smoked when pregnant with my son, he is a lot healthier than my daughter, he hardly ever gets sick, but he does have trouble breathing, but it is in his genes too, so sadly he has double the threat of having asthma
My daughter, I NEVER smoked while pregnant with her, she get sick so many times
she always got runny nose, she has severe sinus problems.
But also, the say breast milk helps a child grow up with less health problems, my son was able to breast feed for about 2 months, my daughter only was able to get two weeks of it
so that could explain a lot too. Anyway, sorry did nto mean to go off topic or anything...I am a smoker saying you should not smoke inside especially if you have kids around.