smoke a weed.

Originally posted by eternity
Why should YOU smoke a POT front of kids or kid(s) catch you smoke a pot?

It is like they have no brain!
well if i smoke pot front of them, they would be H i G h :D
Originally posted by t e d d y
:shock: what kind of parents are they? lol

well, parents will say they must use cigs* but your child will use cig to make a blunt then smoke up ;)
Oh yea like my parents who got me HIGH when I was little gurl. :madfawk:

I told my parents what I remember. They were like :eek2:
Originally posted by eternity
Oh yea like my parents who got me HIGH when I was little gurl. :madfawk:

I told my parents what I remember. They were like :eek2:
:rofl: would you try front of your daughter?
If my child smoke a weed. ill say them give me smoe weed and smoke up together my child..
I hung out with that dumb girl and her parents were doin it in front of her even tho she is already 18 but I think it is :crazy: that everyone think it's a must to do weed.. but I won't be surprised if my kids got caught doin it in h.s :laugh2: I wud say don't do it anywhere that some1 can bust u for it JUST do it sometimes NOT that often cuz really the reality of it I used to be stoned and went back to dorm the supervisor didn't know I was stoned I wud had gotten suspended but never did :laugh2:

hint: be beware that kids will use eye drop to make yellow go away from eyes :shock:

and I used eye drop too b4 I went back to school from goin to a friend's house which I wasn't allowed to go at this time I was a senior back in h.s at this time ;)
Originally posted by hacker
If my child smoke a weed. ill say them give me smoe weed and smoke up together my child..
:rofl: then your child would say "my dad rocks ass!"
Wow, so many of you have tried weed.
I have never tried weed in my life, and don't want to try it at all.
My entire family smokes (cigs), but I don't smoke at all.
I know for a fact that my mum and dad used to smoke weed before, but I can never see the interest in smoking a weed. Several of my ex dates offered me but I kept on saying no thanks. Oh well...
If I caught my kid doing it, I would discuss with my kid why he wanted to try it out, how he feels about it, etc... No need for a lecture or to shout at kid. I prefer open discussions with kids and trying to see what they thought.
lol I agree with hacker I noticed few kids braggin about how cool to have parents who are pothead :eek:
Originally posted by eternity
How about you? Your future child(ren) will you do that front of them?
Originally posted by hacker
If my child smoke a weed. ill say them give me smoe weed and smoke up together my child..