Sleight of Hand

The Slight of Hand Game


But guess what?

You can do it for me! :)
Thank you Byrdie
OK that was a pass. On to the next one.

Make the sign for "worm" but instead of having
it crawl across your arm, have it crawl across your
mouth. Then sign "wait".

heeheeehee this is a good one!
Thank you Byrdie
OK that was a pass. On to the next one.

Make the sign for "worm" but instead of having
it crawl across your arm, have it crawl across your
mouth. Then sign "wait".

heeheeehee this is a good one!

Come on now, some one needs to "bite" on this one. hahaha
that was a hint:giggle:
Thank you Byrdie
OK that was a pass. On to the next one.

Make the sign for "worm" but instead of having
it crawl across your arm, have it crawl across your
mouth. Then sign "wait".

heeheeehee this is a good one!

"Waiting for a bite"? The idiom meaning to relax between sales for a salesperson?
I'm stumped!

Ok, the English Idiom is......

"I am waiting with baited breath.

Meaning: eager anticipation of any event, (usually has
lovers implication. For example, the woman who must
wait for her man to finish work before they can be together
will caress his cheek and say in a sexy manner, "I am waiting
with baited breath. Bait = worm breath = worm crawling
across mouth.
The Slight of Hand Game

Make the hand shapes for "bone" but instead of placing them
on your chest with your wrists crossed, make an up and down
movement in front of your body, like you would for the sign "argue"

Meaning: Something that two people would argue about.

What is the English Idiom?
Ok, the English Idiom is "I am waiting with baited breath.

Good one, Cathe. I was too obtuse to get it. Typical English teacher: of course the idiom is "waiting with bated breath" but your great clues are spelled phonetically, as they should be. Ha ha ha, I have smelled some people with "bait-breath" though.
Good one, Cathe. I was too obtuse to get it. Typical English teacher: of course the idiom is "waiting with bated breath" but your great clues are spelled phonetically, as they should be. Ha ha ha, I have smelled some people with "bait-breath" though.

Oh....Yeah! Thats correct. They are spelled phonetically. I knew that.:giggle:
The Slight of Hand Game

Ow, my brain hurts! If you can create one for me I'd appreciate it. :P


Make the sign for "small" on top of your head.

Meaning- a type of doctor

What is the English Idiom?
Could the idiom be "a shrink"? A psychologist or psychiatrist?
Okay, I hope I do this right. This is a three-word idiom meaning "Try to maintain the status quo."

These are all "natural signs":

1. "Suspend" your curved right index finger over your straight left index.

2. Cram all the fingers of your right hand "within" the fingers of your left hand.

3. Point your right index away from you at eye level to way over "yonder."
Okay, I hope I do this right. This is a three-word idiom meaning "Try to maintain the status quo."

These are all "natural signs":

1. "Suspend" your curved right index finger over your straight left index.

2. Cram all the fingers of your right hand "within" the fingers of your left hand.

3. Point your right index away from you at eye level to way over "yonder."

Wow Chase! Great job! I think Reba got it. Correct?
Your turn Reba. My daughter Mel and I went to Deaf
Chat Coffee at Boarders in Salem last night. We took
this game there and had sooo much fun. We had six
people around our table doing this game and we were
the only two hearies there! There was much laughter
over this game. I may have to patent it!
I'm sorry I was so long getting back to this, but I'm helping my girlfriend and her ex-husband finish the house in the country they own together and are selling. Ha ha ha, this is really strange, as we get along really well working together. In Montana, exes and boyfriends shoot at each other. Being civilized isn't much fun, but it's safer.

hang in there?

Correct, Reba. Your go.