meaning: an unimportant matter that draws attention from the main
subject matter
in this sign you will be altering the sign for "distract"
instead of the index finger of the right hand coming down
from the forehead bring the "R" handshape down from the
forhead as in the same manner of signing a certain color
then when the R touches the upward pointing index finger
of the left hand, change the right hand to the sign for
fish and have it swim past the left hand index finger
what does this sleight of hand mean?
subject matter
in this sign you will be altering the sign for "distract"
instead of the index finger of the right hand coming down
from the forehead bring the "R" handshape down from the
forhead as in the same manner of signing a certain color
then when the R touches the upward pointing index finger
of the left hand, change the right hand to the sign for
fish and have it swim past the left hand index finger
what does this sleight of hand mean?