Skyrim Vs. Oblivion

In both Skyrim and Oblivion you can buy your own house, but with Skyrim, you can actually build your own house. Skyrim is much cooler than Oblivion due to the graphics and even the gameplay, especially with killing dragons. The quests and quest line is way better in Skyrim.

Oblivion is still pretty good, though you should avoid starting the main quest until you intend to complete it, lest you stop halfway through and find the countryside is riddled with monster-spewing portals.
Oblivion is still pretty good, though you should avoid starting the main quest until you intend to complete it, lest you stop halfway through and find the countryside is riddled with monster-spewing portals.

Yes, it is fine to start the main quest and do side quests, but it is best not to complete the main quest before completing most, if not all side quests. There are several reasons for this. This is because some side quests will not be available after the main quest. Also, if the main quest is completed before side quests are even started or completed, it'll be hard to obtain artifacts and weapons that can only be found in Oblivion.
Morrowind with MGSO is pretty good! What are your computer specs? I'm building a new computer right now!!

I played all 3, morrowind touched me in the heart, Oblivion was great, Skyrim is great.

You CANNOT be an elder scrolls fan without mods!!!! Always go PC!! :)

oh and as for the vote...
I think I'm gonna go with Skyrim because it's a lot more lifelike, but there are glaring problems... Skyrim is more difficult to mod... and seeing that you can't be an elder scrolls fan without mods... That makes oblivion and skyrim about equal. Hahah. But still, playing morrowind when I was a 12 year old boy back in 2002... My goodness. That game really touched me! I was from Maryland... Bethesda is a company based in Maryland. I lived in the woods, and you could tell that the makers of Morrowind used Maryland to influence their creations. It's just hard not to be affected by the beauty of it all. Once again, get MGSO for morrowind!
(but luckily skyrim has so many dedicated players that mods are coming out quite frequently)
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Morrowind with MGSO is pretty good! What are your computer specs? I'm building a new computer right now!!

I played all 3, morrowind touched me in the heart, Oblivion was great, Skyrim is great.

You CANNOT be an elder scrolls fan without mods!!!! Always go PC!! :)

oh and as for the vote...
I think I'm gonna go with Skyrim because it's a lot more lifelike, but there are glaring problems... Skyrim is more difficult to mod... and seeing that you can't be an elder scrolls fan without mods... That makes oblivion and skyrim about equal. Hahah. But still, playing morrowind when I was a 12 year old boy back in 2002... My goodness. That game really touched me! I was from Maryland... Bethesda is a company based in Maryland. I lived in the woods, and you could tell that the makers of Morrowind used Maryland to influence their creations. It's just hard not to be affected by the beauty of it all. Once again, get MGSO for morrowind!
(but luckily skyrim has so many dedicated players that mods are coming out quite frequently)

What are the specs of the new computer you are building? I disagree with what you said about being an Elder Scrolls fan and using mods. Not everyone has a great PC system that would allow them to seamlessly make mods. I believe for one to be a true Elder Scrolls fan, they have to at least play several games in the series and not only play the main quest, but most, if not all, side quests as well as play with different types of characters.

Skyrim does look more like the real world, all due to the game engine being vastly hauled.
I played a bunch of Oblivion back in the day, did everything but the main quest. My husband has Skyrim now and I've literally watched him play over 80 hours of it. It's almost like having played it myself. These things I have learned: It's possible with mods to have your in-game wife totally naked and good looking to boot. If you get a modded companion (Andromeda or something) be very careful as she doesn't care who she hits with her killer spells. The DLC Vampire storyline is long and a lot of fun, much worth the price. And sometimes NPCs will say the same thing over and over each time you pass by them and will make you want to turn subtitles off.

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I played a bunch of Oblivion back in the day, did everything but the main quest. My husband has Skyrim now and I've literally watched him play over 80 hours of it. It's almost like having played it myself. These things I have learned: It's possible with mods to have your in-game wife totally naked and good looking to boot. If you get a modded companion (Andromeda or something) be very careful as she doesn't care who she hits with her killer spells. The DLC Vampire storyline is long and a lot of fun, much worth the price. And sometimes NPCs will say the same thing over and over each time you pass by them and will make you want to turn subtitles off.

You must be very understanding! I'm now banned from gaming until 8pm in the evening, so I can (rightfully) help my wife around the house and walk the dog ( you could argue I should have been doing both of those anyway :) )
You must be very understanding! I'm now banned from gaming until 8pm in the evening, so I can (rightfully) help my wife around the house and walk the dog ( you could argue I should have been doing both of those anyway :) )

Yes, you should have been doing those things anyway. It is not good to slouch on the couch for hours on no end when it is better to get up and keep yourself active, not to mention giving your wife attention! :giggle:
You're absolutely right!!!

Now..... back to Skyrim.... ,must finish this quest..... oh god, i'm addicted :)
You're absolutely right!!!

Now..... back to Skyrim.... ,must finish this quest..... oh god, i'm addicted :)

I know the feeling, but it is not a good addiction. Ha. I love the quests where I can obtain new Dragon shouts!

Long live the Dragonborn! :giggle:
I've just accidentally killed my 4th Follower. They just get in the way!!!

RIP: Cosnatch (fireball)
Iona (dwarven arrow through head, whilst getting pounded by a draugr)
Marcurio (mammoth )
Jenessa ( glass axe, wrong place wrong time..)
Lydia ( Centurion )
This is why I never bothered much with Elder Scrolls nor the two more recent Fallout games.

The original one had a notorious followed called Ian (the first one you got) who'd say he was a good shot with an SMG, so naturally you'd give him one when you had one to spare. The moron would then use burst fire all the time, often doing more damage to you than the target. Being shot in the back/ass by Ian became a running joke in the community, culminating in a fanfic of Ian's Diary where, gay and rejected by the player, Ian shoots them in the ass, "because if I can't have a piece of it, nobody can". :laugh2:
I've just accidentally killed my 4th Follower. They just get in the way!!!

RIP: Cosnatch (fireball)
Iona (dwarven arrow through head, whilst getting pounded by a draugr)
Marcurio (mammoth )
Jenessa ( glass axe, wrong place wrong time..)
Lydia ( Centurion )

Man! You have to treat your followers better! Don't put them in the line of fire when there's the risk of them dying! You can order them to stand somewhere while you go and attack if you can take care of the enemy or enemies yourself.

Get a follower that cannot be killed by any means. The number of those unique followers are small though.

Man! You have to treat your followers better! Don't put them in the line of fire when there's the risk of them dying! You can order them to stand somewhere while you go and attack if you can take care of the enemy or enemies yourself.

Get a follower that cannot be killed by any means. The number of those unique followers are small though.

That reminds me of those shooting games like Area 51 and House of the Dead. While you're playing, some innocent idiot comes running across the screen. Bang! You lose a life line! :(
When this thread was posted there probably wasn't a lot of mods for the game but there are a ton now. There are some handy ones, such as smarter followers (no longer die walking into traps, line of sight of your fireball, etc.) and the SkyUI mod is a must-have to make the menu system feel less like a console game and more like a PC game that supports the mouse.

I have a bad habit of installing a bunch of graphic mods to see how far I can push my PC. At one point I had about 75 graphic mods installed, plus another 40 for gameplay tweaks and such. Sadly it still felt like the same soulless game as the unmodded version. Combat just isn't fun in these games and the story isn't compelling enough to get through it all. Morrowind had terrible combat but at least the story and game world were good enough to overlook the combat woes.

Skywind should be interesting to play, as the locales in Morrowind were more varied and fascinating. High-Res Skywind Looks Like The Morrowind Mod Of My Dreams
There's always been thousands of mods for Skyrim ( and Oblivion & Morrowind for that matter ), I've yet to try SKYUI yet, but might give it a go soon.
I can't wait for them to finish Skywind, but it's a massive massive project. I loved playing Morrowind, cos unlike the later ES games it really didn't hold your hand, you were pretty much on your own.
The combat system took some getting used to - its more of a dice-roll roleplay game setup - but I found as long as I stuck to a particular weapon and got my skill level up, it was fine.
When this thread was posted there probably wasn't a lot of mods for the game but there are a ton now.

Pretty much all of the mods I play, I had two years ago. SkyUI is just the tip of the iceberg, I still swear that the two survival mods I use (Hypothermia and Imp's More Complex Needs) do far more to make the game more compelling than anything else.

Sure, the quests are still fairly generic fantasy stuff, but travelling around needing to keep yourself warm and fed - especially if you don't fast travel - makes it into a true adventure!

For example, there's one Dark Brotherhood contract on a target who is salvaging a shipwreck off the northern coast. When water makes you wet and much for susceptible to cold, just getting to their location in the almost perpetual blizzard was exciting. Luckily they didn't suspect anything as I warmed myself by their fire (blurred vision, shivering, health and stamina dropping) before assassinating them!
I've got the Frostfall-Hypothermia mod installed as well. It totally changes the game.....finally I've got a use for Fur armour :)
It makes you feel part of the world more. If there's a blizzard outside, maybe hold off on doing that quest? Craft some items, or do something else for a while lest you try to make your journey and succumb to the elements.