


is there any skydiver in this forum?

would be awesome to meet other skydiver in USA...
I typed in "deaf network skydivers" and came up with a page about Deaf network of Texas "Skydive Weekend 2015"
would have copied here but it didn't seem to want to copy the whole line I wanted to paste.

but maybe you can Google...

would be interested personally to try sometime....
Who not got death wish.did it once and never intend doing it again same with bungee have nightmares still thinking about it
<above- sorry about techie confusion.... told ya Kjell:giggle:>

I see your point, caz, don't worry:)
if it was just me, I probably woulda already tried it. But the dogs rely on me - hub isn't able to care for them by himself. and of course, my husband and parents factor into it, too.

I did go ultralight riding <hubby and I took turns> few years back - like hang gliding but you do have a but more of a frame - not much at all but i slight bit more. Your feet dangle and nothing underneath. It was awesome! Hubby -not so much. He was more worried about than I was.
dogmom: haha... well technical stuff arent for everybody :-p
thanks for your tip, I might check this out :)

Caz: I got 3 kids, 2 on full time... still not a problem for me to go skydiving... it is rare that accident with death happens. anyway this is a sport, and either you feel comfortable or you don't... but it is a loving sport with great people... i'm enjoying this for sure...
There is a skydiving club near here. I went on a tandem skydive once several years ago. It was really awesome. I would have liked to go through their whole certification program but far too expensive.