What's important is the *open* and rigorous science, and not about shutting out scientists who have other alternative, even better, theories. Prof. Henrik Svensmark tried to submit his papers 4 times last year to four different journals who rejected his results purely on the basis that the sun and cosmic rays were found to be the major influence on global warming (and cooling) which went against the so-called "settled science." How could journals turn down such detailed work that not only involved real laboratory experiments using a real physical model of our atmosphere and cosmic rays, along with large scale observations at the surface and from space (satellites) to get the results?
Cosmic Ray Decreases Affect Atmospheric Aerosols And Clouds
Dr. Svensmark used all the protocols that science called for and yet zealousness from scientists who are bent to protect "their" CO2 theory, which is already flawed, at any cost rather than allow open and honest debates regarding alternative theories. That's not what science is all about.
Red flags seen in this global warming issue would be to call scientists, real practicing scientists with PhD degrees, as "deniers" or "flat earthers" for coming up with very valid alternative theories. Or that they constantly use and abuse doomsay scenarios continuously over the last several years with the recent one with a little girl hanging onto a tree branch for dear life while water comes rushing in flooding the land, over-dramatizing the whole global warming schtick. That just makes it all the more obvious. And that it isn't about science but politics and control. No wonder the Copenhagen climate summit was a failure. The whole global warming issue reeks of sloppiness.
The Climategate emails allow us to see the mindset of those people who are intent on doing everything they can to protect "their" CO2 theory, even if it means skewing their data, do a little cheating, or shutting out debates.