Of course people want to blame homosexuality on something to make it seem correctable or more easily corrected. I've had friends tell me that they were forced to go to the preacher and confess their sin to him and then the preacher would 'counsel' them. It usually went one of two ways and neither had a good ending:
1. The preacher would have them repeat the same prayer over and over again for hours in hopes of walking out straight, or some form of psychological abuse. Sometimes it included physical abuse such as whippings if homosexual behavior was not abstained from or if the person acted too gay. The preacher would make them believe that this was 'out of love'.
2. This opened a door for the preacher to have sexual relations with the person in the name of 'counseling'. This is where a lot of male on male sexual abuse comes from. Many boys are afraid of coming forward with sexual abuse for fear of being outed or seen as a sissy boy which might lead to further 'therapy' or abuse for them.
These people are now gay adults that have troubled relationships at best.
I, myself, suck at relationships. I don't like discussing my own sexuality because well, to me it's sort of delicate in a way. I don't want to be cut down and I've been cut by homos and heteros. Part of me still says I am gay, that's just a part of who I am, and yet there's something else that says that I don't need to be doing this. It's hard. It's hard when even my own family isn't religious, and yet they frown upon my homosexual behavior. I've been called dyke by my father. It's just hard. Yet on the other end of the spectrum I have my friend Margaret who's very religious yet she's also quite tolerant and accepting. She knows I am struggling but she doesn't lecture me, she doesn't condemn me, she just listens and simply says - "The Lord will help you with that and I'll be praying for you." That's just her way of showing support even if she doesn't agree with it 100%. I just wish more people were like her. I couldn't even bring up the subject with my parents, let alone come out to them.