
I'm the oldest of my siblings. I have a sister and a half brother (which I of course consider him as my brother). I also have a step-sister as well.
I have one sister and one brother. Of course I also have 2 half sisters and 2 half brohers which I never meet them.
I have an older brother who happened to have a different father. (Hence: "half-brother" but he is not just a hapa to me.)

He is 10 years older than me.
I have a half brother but I dont see him anymore so I have a 4 yr older sister and a one year younger brother.
I got 3 brother in laws and 3 sisters in law.. and I got 2 brothers and 3 sisters (they are my mom's fiancee's daughters) but I consider them to be my own sisters! :giggle: :)
I got 1 older stepsister, she is 35 (she is daughter of my stepfather)
Then me - I am 32
1 little biological sister, she is 29 (she and I have same father and mother)
1 little half sister, she is 21 (my mother)
1 little half brother, he is 19 (my mother)
1 little half sister, she is 17 (my father)
Forgot to add

my sisters are my half sister

All of sisters same mom but different dads

25 yrs old sister and 22 yrs old are real sisters from same dad (their dad is passed away before christmas 2005)(same mom)

me 28 yr old and my half sister 16 yrs old are same mom but different dads that it. we are only child eheh.. we dont have any real sister or brother only my sisters 22 and 25 yrs old are real sisters. They are my half sisters. :)
I have four brothers and four sisters.. they are my real family.... My parents 's 56 years of their wedding anniversary.....
I have 5 sisters and 3 brothers. They are all hearing but myself due to Rubella. I am the 8th. My youngest brother is 35. Range from 51 to 35. We are from same parents. They have been married for 50 years. I hope they are happy. Dino
oh yes i am the 5th child of the family.. forgot to mention that.. hehe.. :D
I'm the oldest of my siblings...My sister, middle child, age 37...My baby brother, age 30...(My sister and I are 13 months apart)
I have an brother who is about 4 1/2 years older than me. I have had several foster sisters and a foster brother live with us until they were adopted by other families.

I don't know if I actual have sibling. I was a lost child.