
Bullym0m said:
How's my sig... Is alright w/it ?
Let me know..
It looks fine, but there are more than one image. It is also twice higher than it should be. It's best when a signature is about 100 pixels high. When it's too high, it makes us scroll more and that's not good. If you want to show more than one image, you can use a randomizer to show more than one image every time the page is loaded. :thumb:
Oops, i have 8 images. LOL. I need to make something new since i can't have my choo choos move. lol. But, my images only total about 7.5kb of download.
VamPyroX said:
For those of you who are interested in trying to create your own randomizer file...
Does this work with JPEGs?? I want to take some of my better train shots and reduce them to a decent size.
prostock19 said:
Does this work with JPEGs?? I want to take some of my better train shots and reduce them to a decent size.
Yes, it works with JPGs. The randomizer file appears to be a GIF file. It does point to any image file randomly. However, if someone were to see the image appear and tried to save it... it would be a GIF file. ;)
VamPyroX said:
Yes, it works with JPGs. The randomizer file appears to be a GIF file. It does point to any image file randomly. However, if someone were to see the image appear and tried to save it... it would be a GIF file. ;)
I am having a problem with the 1st step. Neither on my site nor on my computer, I can't make a file named .htaccess
prostock19 said:
I am having a problem with the 1st step. Neither on my site nor on my computer, I can't make a file named .htaccess

You make a text file and save as htaccess.html.. Upload to your webiste, then go into the FTP or File Manager that edits the contents of your site, look for htaccess.html and click to rename it. Then type in .htaccess and that should do it. Also, it depends on your webhost's restrictions or allowances. Check with your webhost if the .htaccess still does not work!
prostock19 said:
I am having a problem with the 1st step. Neither on my site nor on my computer, I can't make a file named .htaccess
Deaf258 is right. If you still have problems... maybe, it will work if someone were to create it and then give it to you?
VamPyroX said:
Deaf258 is right. If you still have problems... maybe, it will work if someone were to create it and then give it to you?

I just finished talking to Prostock about this. Looks like he is gonna have to contact his webhost tech support.
That is what it looks like. I just sent an email to Tech Support. I have I chose the Linux hosting service. Screw NT LOL
VamPyroX said:
I'm starting to notice that more and more members are using bigger and bigger images in their signatures. I'm going to have to start enforcing the rules and guidelines as stated in Forum Rules am going to be going through signatures and removing them if they are TOO big and contacting various members as well. If you see that your signature has been changed or removed, contact me through PM. If you see someone else's signature that I may have overlooked, feel free to contact me through PM.

The reason for this is so that the website can be easily accessible for our visitors and members. When signatures and images are too big, it makes the webpages more difficult to load and this isn't good for some of our members. Thanks for your time and understanding.

pah! i like that better. i prefer simple signature not too much stuffy inside signatures that gives the server less stressful. heh.
Deaf258 said:
Is it me or are the signatures getting bigger and bigger again? :tsk:
Yep, I'm aware of that. I'm already working on it. :roll: