Sign What!?

..... and the fingerspelling...forget it.

sometimes I have to laugh bc most are able to do it so fast that I'm wondering: How don't they get hurting fingers?
I went to another gathering tonight. I'm so lost! Is this how it feels when a deaf person is surrounded by hearies?
Today I was with a deaf group for two hours and I did not get a thing out of it. Boy I thought I knew a thing or two...but...not at all. I feel like a stupid. :roll:

tell me about it...hahahaaha
i had the same problem when i joined my 1st australian sign language (auslan) class..

no improvement ever since LOL! i still rely alot on my notebook n pen (how embarrassing)
Pink-Studs, you'll improve with practice ;)

I'm currently learning more ASL... with help from online dictionaries LOL. I know it's not good enough, but I would benefit a lot more from someone that lives close to me who actually knows ASL... oh wait, I have a friend who has ASL knowledge... hmm I'll ask him next time I see him.
oh really... my teacher goes its just like learning another
guess he is right but its so hard! hahahha
how did u manage practisig n memorising it shezzbeav?
I'm profoundly deaf, and have been since birth. I started off using Signed English, and started using Auslan when I was 14 after moving to Sydney. I guess I picked up on it pretty fast. I'm now fluent in Auslan.
just take a easy and give yourself a time to develop to be good signer.
Cheer up AquaBlue, you could go to Cafe Press and actually buy a shirt that says "sign slowly please.":hmm:

ooohhhh I want one of those!!! LOL If my friend is mad or excited about something, he gets signing so fast.. it makes my head spin. lol
I do a similar thing. I look for key words and ask my friend to repeat the ones i've missed.

Sometimes it can be a little harder because I have two learning barriers that are associated with cognative and auditory processing both. Auditory doesn't have much to do with our communication but it's really hard to process the signs I see quickly enough to keep up with conversation. So I just ask to slow down a little. It's funny because i'm ok with hand signs. But he spells a lot of words. I can spell just fine in ASL but I have a really hard time processing when he is spelling. I don't understand why. I find that if I sign with him when he's spelling, it helps me process it easier.

If there is anyone with great patience who would help people practise talking on cam... that would be awesome!!!!
I signed with a deaf and blind woman! She placed her hand on mine and I signed to her. That was cool.
if u dun mind, can i ask wat other form of communition does dat deaf blind lady (or people) use. it must b really hard and fustrating for them (and whoever they communicate with..)

i jus wanna noe cos it cld b a possibiyity for me in the future. thx
if u dun mind, can i ask wat other form of communition does dat deaf blind lady (or people) use. it must b really hard and fustrating for them (and whoever they communicate with..)

i jus wanna noe cos it cld b a possibiyity for me in the future. thx

i do nt noe b-cuz i deed nt asc her manualee. she deed hv a dog: bau wow. :roll:
I signed with a deaf and blind woman! She placed her hand on mine and I signed to her. That was cool.


Awesome!! :) I can still remember the first Deaf Event I attended. I was a new signer at the time (and very nervous about signing with others :Ohno:), but once I explained that I needed people to slow down their signing so I could follow along tactually, everything worked out really, really well. There were two Deaf people who had never used tactile sign with a deafblind person before, so it was a positive experience for all of us. Hang in there! With practice, your receptive skills will improve! :)
if u dun mind, can i ask wat other form of communition does dat deaf blind lady (or people) use. it must b really hard and fustrating for them (and whoever they communicate with..)

i jus wanna noe cos it cld b a possibiyity for me in the future. thx


I'm totally deafblind and some of the communication methods I used (before getting my CIs) include tactile sign, TeleBraille (Braille TTY), Teletouch (a typewriter-like device that has a QWERTY keyboard on one side and a single Braille cell on the other; when a key is depressed on the QWERTY keyboard, that particular letter appears in Braille on the Braille display), print on palm (tracing block letters into the palm of the hand), Braille/raised print alphabet card (where my finger is placed on individual letters to spell out words), Screen Braille Communicator (a device that has a QWERTY keyboard on one side as well as a Perkins Braille keyboard and 8 cell Braille display on the other; works similarly to the Teletouch except that it also has an LCD display for sighted-hearing), Perkins Brailler (a Braille writing machine for the blind), typing messages in a program like MS Word or Notepad and allowing me to read it on a Braille display -- and communication card (which indicates that I'm deafblind and need assistance crossing the street). I also currently use Braille realtime captioning in which the captionist's laptop is connected to my BrailleNote (PDA for the blind) and I read what information is typed by the captionist on the BrailleNote's Braille display. If you have any other questions about alternative communication techniques for the deafblind, please feel free to ask me here. :)
Wow.. Hear AGain.. Thank you so much for sharing that information. That is educational for me as well.

May I ask. How do you find interacting with the general public? Are people generally willing to help or do they act afraid?

I see so many people act afraid when they encounter a new experience in life. I'll never understand why people don't want to embrace a new learning experience and make a connection with new people they meet. One of my goals in life to to be able to travel anywhere in the world and be able to communicate with anyone that I meet. I don't like having communication barriers that stop me from learning about new friends and their culture. I want to see my children have the same attitude as they grow. I want to see them connect with anyone without letting communication barriers stop them. I want to see them overcome anything like that to make new and awesome friendships.
omg, it is so... u r very strong minded goin through that! i feel like such a wimp! (big time) here i am jus a new deafie, whinging n whinning like its the end of the wow

so if its ok can i ask u whats the primay way for u to communicate? and also hos do u communicate with us?
do u hav like a special kind of keyboard with braille.

thank you so much for your info, im gonna look into learning braille now