Sign names


New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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My friend Monica (deaf) gave me a sign name about 2 months ago. It is the elevator sign made with an "I" handshape instead of the "E" handshape. This is because my name is Ian and I am very tall (6'6").

My question is this: Should I tell deaf people my sign name when I introduce myself? When is the proper time to bring this up? My spoken name is so easy to finger-spell that sometimes I don't bother telling, but I am also proud of my sign name. What is the ettiquette? Also I am sometimes embarrassed that even though I am involved with Deaf people enough to have a sign name, I do not sign very well.
Regardless whether you know sign-language well enough, but during an introduction, finger-spelling your name first and then indicating your 'given' sign-name is a sure way to go about it....others will then remember you by your sign-name. As for your sign-name, that sure looks appropriate for you! :D
:wave: When I meet deaf people at social events, I spell my name first, then I show them my sign name.

I like the sign name that Monica gave you, it's fits perfect!!

Mine is Donna, so, I sign with a "d" on my cheek, the students at the R.I. School for the Deaf gave me that sign name and I have used it ever since.
I think fingerspelling your name then giving your sign name is pretty much the standard when introducing yourself. So far when meeting new people at events, it's the only way I've seen an introduction.

But I have to sign names one was given to me and one I made up for when my other two friends are around (we're all named Shawn, but I'm the only signer so their names are just fingerspelled and that can get confusing)

First one is Fingerspell S then H then bring the H handshape down on top of a flat left hand (palm facing down). S+H+ON get it??? (but it's only used with my close friends)

Second one was given to me by my friends wife, it's the sign for Beer but use the S handshape "Shawn Beer", pretty much self explainatory if you know me. hehehee
My sign name is "S" starting on the top of the side of my face and then moving down to the bottom. I have curly hair..
My sign name was given to me by a Deaf woman I met while in training at my local deafblind center. My sign name represents the initials of my first and last name signed against the left and right side of the chest. I was told that my sign name represents confidence and strength.
Yup, usually say "I name B-E-N-J-A-M-I-N. Sign name B-J (moving outwards from heart)" It's hard to remember someones full name, but I find it very easy to remember sign names.
I have a sign name that was given to me by my mother but I don't like it. It is an "A" in a spiral coming down from my temple (on head). It's not that interesting. Bah. I don't have curly hair.
It is an "A" in a spiral coming down from my temple (on head). It's not that interesting. Bah. I don't have curly hair.

Heh, that's my name sign as well, only with a different letter. I do have curly hair, some of the time. A deaf friend gave it to me because she liked my hair.
Mine is J, then cop sign. I was given this name in one of the parnet groups at CID. At first it kind of anooyed me that I was automaticly labeleed as a cop with the group, but as I learned more about the group, I started to like the name.
Mine is the sign for feast and then the identifyer, like how you change play, to player. It's my last name. I always fingerspell my first name and then my sign name. Then the faces LOL!!!! why what who????? LOL then i say it is my last name and fingerspell that and everyone is like, OH THAT MAKES SENSE!!! people generally like my sign name because it is different. my Deaf friends kinda gave it to me. They asked what people call me. Everyone calls me by my last name from when i was little, i rarely get called by my first name. So they said hhhmmmmmmm and i did the sign for feast and they were like YEAH!!! that is it that has to be your sign name. Not the normal letter for the inital. I like it because it is different as well. =)
I have sign name M and P than full name spell... My sign name first "M" then signs "P" to my cheek because I always laugh or smile since same sign name for I was 5 yrs old till now! :lol:
My sign name is basically the 'S' on the left chest as if you were referring to your own name tag.

I grew up with this sign language since that was what everyone did in elementary school.
Nothing for me, they can't find anything about me - they just fingerspelling my first two initial as it is - LOL

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