Sign Language Storytelling Project


New Member
Jun 7, 2013
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Hey all, I'm a hearing student at Rutgers working on a research paper about sign language storytelling and how it contributes to people's identities as Deaf people and how it contributes to Deaf culture overall, and I need your help!

I know this is a hard question, but I need you to think back to when you were young (or even if you'd like to think about your life in its current context) and think about what stories did for you. Did they make you happy? Open up your imagination? Make you feel comfortable being Deaf? What did it make you think about, if anything?

Or if you went to a mainstream school and experienced "story time", how did that go for you? What did it make you realize?

I've done quite a lot of research reading scholarly journal articles, and now I need some input from actual people and not a professional researcher! Any thoughts and comments, I will be eternally grateful for, and remember if you don't feel comfortable being cited in some stranger's academic paper (aka me), don't write anything!

EDIT: as suggested by Anij, I've added a release form if you don't mind me using your comments. If you just want to talk about the subject and don't wanna be quoted, that's fine too.

Thanks in advance!
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I'd recommend getting a release form for anyone you quote.
I'd recommend getting a release form for anyone you quote.
I guess I can add an attachment to my OP and have other repliers add the release form as an attachment to their posts!

Have other people done this kind of thing (using quotes from
No not that I'm aware of - because citing random messages from internet message boards as "sources" (where the people may or may not actually be what they claim) would almost surely get you a D or F in a college/university academic setting.

If you want to do a proper survey then you need to use a survey site to create a customized series of questions and then have people complete it that way. At least that way it's "formal" and would hold some research weight.
Yes, okay. Please excuse me for my ignorance (actually idiocy)!

Thank you.

No worries - if you're doing a paper or research check with your prof or supervisor first on what sourcing you need and how you might go about conducting what they would consider a "usable survey" with "usable data".

THat way you don't don a bunch of work only to find out you can't use any of it ;)