Sign for CI

Wow, going from "CI" to "mainstream"! LOL

Anyways I used to sign both "CI" and "mainstream" the way Lucia described but I have changed to the way Etoile described "CI" (H handshape) and Reba described "mainstream" after it was pointed out that the H is more "CI friendly" and 1 finger under 5 fingers being more appropriate (as in you don't usually see 5 deaf students and 5 hearing students mainstreaming (okay, someone can slap my hand for saying "mainstream")).

And as for the Marlee Matlin program, I'd forgotten about it so I missed that but my hearing daughter described it as "wild" -- I think she meant there were too many plots in that one show...
(anyways, it is good to be back! AND it is good to "see" everyone!)

Have a great weekend, all! :grouphug:
I sign "mainstream" the way Lucia does, too. I don't see anything wrong with the sign...when I am interpreting, if someone says mainstream, I sign mainstream! If they say public school, I sign public school. I sign it with two 5-shapes.

Boult - thank you for the suggestion about not wanting to offend by choosing one or the other! I hadn't thought of that.

I actually liked the episode, but I guess I'm weird. :)
Interesting ... I'd always assumed the 'negative' etymology of the vampire-sign for CI was just one of those historical things that people tended to ignore.

As for mainstream, I'm glad to know that sign - I've only seen 'hearing' in that context, but there are times when the two aren't necessarily the same. (I've also always used the word mainstream, though in the context of physical disability - my local public schools had separate programs for people with certain types of disabilities, so saying I went to public school didn't mean much. And I think there's a certain political load to it in the disabled community - the connotation being that mainstreaming is not just for education, but for all parts of life.)

And, as for the term "mainstream", I had no idea it was not acceptable anymore...I was mainstreamed most of the time growing up (with several short stints at the state school for the deaf) and have always used the term. To me, "mainstream" means me being a deaf person going to all-hearing classes/school with an interpreter.

I didn't know that either. All I can say is "What the heck?!?!?" I have heard it used for decades (er...yea I've been around the block) and now it is not politically acceptable? I'm sorry but I'm not ketowing to the idiots of the world... Only the offensive turn an innocuous word into something offensive.

Forever will I be a la mainstream!!! ;)
Interesting ... I'd always assumed the 'negative' etymology of the vampire-sign for CI was just one of those historical things that people tended to ignore.

I can't speak for ASL but I do know that with British Sign Language they did an overhaul fairly recently to get rid of perceived negative signs such as the one for "gay" (bent wrist) "Indian" (pointing to the centre of your forehand) and "Chinese" (slanting the eyes back with your fingers).
I've seen, and used, all of them. If you've seen Sound and Fury, you'll notice the Deaf mom especially tends to sign "C-I" behind the ear.

Sorry if someone mentioned that already, I'm too lazy to read all the comments. ;)
I don't think anybody did, ayala - I'll have to get it again from Netflix and check it out.
With my growning involvement in the deaf community, I may try to follw the terp route in the future.
That would be awesome. I know some hearing parents who have become 'terps....and trust me 'terps are very highly paid!!
DD, When I said that, I was referring to being a terp for the police department. Besides, if I did do this, it would be many years from now. My sign is very, very weak. It would take years of signing to get to that level. Ask Greema, she saw some of my sign last week. Its pretty bad.
I reread my original post, and I see it needs clarification.

I've never seen the "C-I" behind the ear. In this location, whenever the "C-I" was used it was just spelled like an abbreviation in the normal spelling area.
I reread my original post, and I see it needs clarification.

I've never seen the "C-I" behind the ear. In this location, whenever the "C-I" was used it was just spelled like an abbreviation in the normal spelling area.
it doesn't have to be "behind the ear" it can be anywhere near the ear. I signed "C-I" in front of my ear. *shrug*
I reread my original post, and I see it needs clarification.

I've never seen the "C-I" behind the ear. In this location, whenever the "C-I" was used it was just spelled like an abbreviation in the normal spelling area.

Now that I think about it, I've actually seen both ("C-I" being spelled behind the ear and being spelled as an abbreviation). However, I don't know which useage is more commonly used in my area. The tactile interpreters I've used sign any of the variations that have already been mentioned.
it doesn't have to be "behind the ear" it can be anywhere near the ear. I signed "C-I" in front of my ear. *shrug*


I've seen "C-I" signed this way too. When I used a tactile interpreter during my first CI evaluation, I believe she signed "C-I" beside her ear, but it was so long ago I don't remember. :) Since I was using tactile sign, it was difficult to feel exactly where the sign was being made.
it doesn't have to be "behind the ear" it can be anywhere near the ear. I signed "C-I" in front of my ear. *shrug*
I mean, I've never seen it signed near the head at all.
Uh, many terps don't get paid very well.

Most educational interpreters don't get paid very well, unless their freelance and they're certified and interpreting in either a wealthy school or a university. However, freelance interpreters who are certified and working out of the school system typically make very good money. An ASL teacher at my former university was known for charging upwards of $35/hour.
Shoot, I've done specialized freelance work for $50/hour, and I only have my CT. I guess the DC area is just a better market for terps. I don't do freelance work regularly though, it's just an occasional thing, I'm salaried with my agency.
Shoot, I've done specialized freelance work for $50/hour, and I only have my CT. I guess the DC area is just a better market for terps....
It does depend on the location. I make less than half that amount per hour. Of course some weeks I make nothing, zero, nada. I earn about $16,000 per year, gross. Not exactly rich, huh? :P

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