Sighh.. HELP!


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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:mad: at the police department! They said I could have copies of the reports .. (for personal reason) and I could send money order .. I have the saved conversations about it. But I called back today to see if they send it yet.. they denied saying that I could have the reports and just doesn't have it. I know they have it in there.. sigh what should I do now??? :mad:
When did the incident happen? With our department, it takes 3 to 5 business days to make it to the records department and available to the public. When did your incident happen?
Yea it does take a few days to make it files to report. I know I went thru it once and was told to have a copy but come back in a week to have a copy of the report. Hang in there girl. :hug:
did you keep the reciept when you paid for a money order ? it shows the tracking number that you can find out if it had been cashed out or not...
Castleman said:
did you keep the reciept when you paid for a money order ? it shows the tracking number that you can find out if it had been cashed out or not...

yeah, that's what I thought.
i remmy when i had car accident- though not my fault as it was other driver and the driver was drunk!!! jeez..anyway i had to get copies of accident report for insurance reasons.. so i gave them cash and they gave me a recepit told me to come back within 5 business days to pick the copies up. i came back next week and showed them the recepit that i did paid for and picked hte reports up. i didnt have any plms with it.

yes others were right. it takes for them to do the process and file paper and make copies for files. be patient. if you havent picked the paper up.. just tell them u want few copies and ask them when will it be ready?

i hope thius will be resolved soon.