Sidekick III Pictures Leak

diehardbiker65 said:
Did you compare the backing of SKI and SKII and this one? BIG difference, and amazes that you still fall 4 it. I know one thing for sure!!! There is NO such thing as SK3 coming out anytime soon. I can bet on you a million dollars that I was right all long.

Danger had different manufacturers to make SK and Danger entered agreement with Sharp to manufacture SKII
See this press release: as it was dated July 23, 2004 which was before Sidekick II came out next month or so later..

This press release dated Aug 6, 2002 show that Danger had agreement with Benchmark Electronics and Felxtronics Design to manufacture the device, Sidekick I hence the reason the design in both was different and maybe that's why you see big difference.

and Danger hasn't announced a new agreement with different manufacture so therefore the current is Sharp.

hope that helps
Yea, Danger, Inc is correct and WHERE THE HECK IS "DANGER, INC." on this back of SK3? Tmobile? your very funny!

Boult said:
Danger had different manufacturers to make SK and Danger entered agreement with Sharp to manufacture SKII
See this press release: as it was dated July 23, 2004 which was before Sidekick II came out next month or so later..

This press release dated Aug 6, 2002 show that Danger had agreement with Benchmark Electronics and Felxtronics Design to manufacture the device, Sidekick I hence the reason the design in both was different and maybe that's why you see big difference.

and Danger hasn't announced a new agreement with different manufacture so therefore the current is Sharp.

hope that helps
Yep, you're right I was told samething when I called up at customer care so I now know its on 21st. Yes I can't wait to own first Windows Mobile OS handheld. I'm pretty sure its on t-mobile website but I dont know if thats for new customer only, cuz I read tiny tiny print at the below says that with out rate service then would have to go and see any retail T-Mobile store.. I'll have to find out and where to buy it, cuz we dont have any authorized or T-Mobile store in our state..Oh plz
Let's stop binkering about Sidekick 3 and continue using our sidekick 2 and wait til it ACTUALLY comes out, i'm really tired of all the bullshit going on.

sequoias said:
Let's stop binkering about Sidekick 3 and continue using our sidekick 2 and wait til it ACTUALLY comes out, i'm really tired of all the bullshit going on.
diehardbiker65 said:
Yea, Danger, Inc is correct and WHERE THE HECK IS "DANGER, INC." on this back of SK3? Tmobile? your very funny!

I understand your fraustration with all the fake rumors about the SK3, but Danger produces the Hiptop and Hiptop 2, where T-Mobile licenses the product's design from Danger and calls it the Sidekick and Sidekick II.

So it wouldn't make sense that it would say, Sidekick III, Danger Inc because if anything Danger would be making the Hiptop 3.

The big question is whether or not Sharp is actually the manufacturer of the new device. I'm also guessing these are real pics, because they actually match the one leaked a long time ago and the more I hear about the technology in this particular device the more it seems to line up with the 'leaked' roadmap that's out there. :cool:

Boult said:
Danger had different manufacturers to make SK and Danger entered agreement with Sharp to manufacture SKII
See this press release: as it was dated July 23, 2004 which was before Sidekick II came out next month or so later..

This press release dated Aug 6, 2002 show that Danger had agreement with Benchmark Electronics and Felxtronics Design to manufacture the device, Sidekick I hence the reason the design in both was different and maybe that's why you see big difference.

and Danger hasn't announced a new agreement with different manufacture so therefore the current is Sharp.

hope that helps
I forgot to add the link for other date, Aug 6, 2002 and here it is;