Shrine in people's house?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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I'm interested in your experience about seeing shrine in people's house. Do you know of anyone who have shrine in their house?

I was watching "60 Minutes" on Sunday. One of the injured veterans had a shrine of his fallen combat partners all over his house. It made me think of shrines.

I remember when my Grandpa had a 1971 Datsun 240Z. I got different Z cars from 1/64 to 1/18 scales in house. My sister remarked that it looks like shrine of my Grandpa. I thought it was interesting.

So my question is do you have or know of someone who have a shrine in their house.
Yes, I've seen shrines of various kinds inside and outside homes.
Maybe. I have a shelf with pictures of all my pets who died. I am not sure if that is a shrine.
Maybe. I have a shelf with pictures of all my pets who died. I am not sure if that is a shrine.
Not if you don't light candles, leave offerings, or pray at the shelf of pictures. It's probably more of a memorial.
Is it only considered a shrine if candles are lit?
A shrine seems to be more holy/religious/spiritual whereas a memorial is more secular. if someone loses a child and never clears out that child's room, doesn't the room become a shrine?
When I was 11/12 I had an entire wall devoted to Leonardo DiCaprio pictures and a smaller wall devoted to Hanson...oh for it to be 1997 again...
Yes, mostly it's my Asian friends but it's quite common among a number of cultures.

1. a building or other shelter, often of a stately or sumptuous character, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person and forming an object of religious veneration and pilgrimage.

2. any place or object hallowed by its history or associations: a historic shrine.

3. any structure or place consecrated or devoted to some saint, holy person, or deity, as an altar, chapel, church, or temple.

4. a receptacle for sacred relics; a reliquary.
Many years ago I had so much grief for the loss of so many loved ones that it became unbearable. It seemed pretty natural at the time to make a small wild flower rock garden here at the house around a young birch tree where I drive in. I kept it going for a long time and would spend time with those who are no longer here while weeding and so on. After a few years my life started taking me all over the place again and I was not able to keep it from being overgrown. It did its job though and I somewhat healed inside.
Many years ago I had so much grief for the loss of so many loved ones that it became unbearable. It seemed pretty natural at the time to make a small wild flower rock garden here at the house around a young birch tree where I drive in. I kept it going for a long time and would spend time with those who are no longer here while weeding and so on. After a few years my life started taking me all over the place again and I was not able to keep it from being overgrown. It did its job though and I somewhat healed inside.

I have a set of stackable rings on my finger which have the birthstone of those I've lost who are close to me.... I carry them with me both in my head and a visible piece of them which I look at often during the day.