Shouldn't we........


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2003
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I don't want to appear to be an insensitive cad but shouldn't we be using spell and grammar checkers? My opinion isn't limited to deaf and HoH folks but hearing people as well. I also know that forums like this are informal; therefore, we lapse into conversational, informal conversation/chit-chat that is sloppier than communication on paper. But shouldn't we be using these tools; shouldn't there a limit on how ignorant we sometimes appear? Nobody is perfect in this area but, OMG, some of the stuff I see is really pathetic...what do y'all think?

*Donning my flame-proof suit* :lol:
You wouldn’t have a spare suit by any chance, would you? Although I know I’m going to come off sounding like a grammatical elitist, I have to agree with you on this one. It seems that at least half of the people on this message board mangle the English language into Silly Putty. Anything that I post on this board that is more than about 3 or 4 sentences long, I compose in Word and cut & paste into the reply box. Even then, I almost always find upon rereading it that I have left out a word or made a grammatical error. Which is why almost all of my long posts are later edited—sometimes 5 minutes after I’ve posted it. But that’s just me—I hate typos.

Uh, if I might change the subject a bit and address another issue—is it really necessary to quote a person’s entire post, smilies and all, when replying? I’ve seen zillions of threads here where somebody has made a post that is several hundred words long, and the person who replies quotes the entire message and adds "That’s a good one" or "Thanks for the info" or "LOL!" Even some of the mods are guilty of this. It just gives the thread a chaotic, jumbled look and makes it difficult to follow. If I’m the next person replying to a message, I try not to even quote at all. We’re not stupid here—anybody can see that I’m replying to the message directly above mine.
well i make typos and i know people here know i typo all the time, its not abt the grammars. NO ONE IS PERFECT so let it go please, cuz not many really cares abt that thier here to have fun not to be scolded on our typing grammar plms!
Actually, I do agree with Tousi on this one. I do think it is necessary to spellcheck messages before they get posted.

After all, we wouldn't want the wrong words to come out of us, would we?
Banjo said:
After all, we wouldn't want the wrong words to come out of us, would we?

God, no—I have terminal foot-in-mouth disease as it is! :D
I don't think any kind of special spell-checker should be allowed. There are some internet lingo that people use here and spellcheckers will consider those as mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, we're better off correcting them instead of degrading them as idiots. Sure, we all make mistakes... I've made a few mistakes before. Some people corrected me and I humbly accepted their criticism. A good member is understanding and accepting.
EXACTLY vampy thats my thinking too, I HAD admittly (sp) wanted that BUT then again i relize u know what i make mistakes it's OK theres no need to put poeple down for it and give us a *spelling or grammar lesson* we're here to have fun and enjoy each members posting and learn from everyone. thats what this is abt. And i support vamp's posting. and if we somehow make a posting thats not clear then ofc we can be corrected or asked abt it, take the children posting fly free wasn't clear on my posting so i added another posting abt it to try my best try and clear it up, and she accepted that, take some typical spelling like oddball's posting abt shit when it should have said shirt thats comical but also an honest mistake, we all will be allowed for that, not need to make us feel like we're back in school life's too short to deal with past, let's enjoy today. and have fun if we make mistakes its ok just let them know u were corrected and thank them for it thats what team work is all abt :)
I am guilty of not capitalizing my i's..........sometimes i get lazy and i dont want to push the shift key and capitalize my i's..........

Getting to the point and understand the concept
is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than paying too much
attention to any mis-spelling word and/or wrong word !!!

Please simply IGNORE mis-spelling !!

Just use your COMMON SENSE. Do NOT worry
about any spelling error. Please feel R-E-L-A-X....

Spell-checker is NOT needed here especially
on this alldeaf... This is NOT a professional
corporation world here... We are NOT
employees working for alldeaf.

Gimme a break. I already saw this speller-check
from another thread.

I have to agree with Tousi.. I'm a stickler for grammar and spelling, and I try to do my best as much as possible. Perhaps a spell-checker might be a bit excessive but correct me if I'm wrong - cant you "add" to most spell checkers? Like in MS word, you can do that. If you have a word you'd always like to spell the same way (i.e. LoL or LMAO, etc) you can add it in the dictionary. I think we're slacking off too much in terms of how well we present ourselves. What if our future employees are a member of AD and then they see how we go about things. A lot of times I have to sign things to myself to make sure i've understood the point and the wording of things. As much as I understand that ASL has its own grammar and syntax, I still struggle with reading it. ASL is a visual language, a beautiful one at that. But English is so important, many Deaf people ignore this. It's sad. =/

And yes, Javapride, no one is perfect but who says there isnt room for improvement?

Do you have a 3rd suit? ;)
I absolutely agree with Y... I couldn't say it better than she has.... :D
I am very anal about grammer.....I am a William Safire fan but, I can understand the gist of what most Deafies say here. Thing is Tousi, most Deafies approach English as a second language. Research has indicated that Deaf people who have ASL as their first language, make the same sort of grammartical and syntaxical errors as do speakers of spoken foriegn languages....but yeah...I do see your point. I am on tons of listservs and the grammar and syntax of many of the people is horrible! You read it and you think "HOW did this person pass sixth grade?" So much of what I read online is incoherent. I know English grammer is difficult (I say that as an anal editor type) but....grrrrrrr! I absolutly HATE and I mean HATE the common errors like confusing you're and your, and confusing "there, their, they're" . Using those mistakes makes a person sound so retarded!
I'm OK with misspellings......I have never been very good at spelling myself. I never really understood why spelling was so stressed in elementary school.
The English language is wicked hard to spell.....Bad Spelers of the World Untie!
I agree with “Y”. You wouldn’t want to scare people away because they could not write English well. Forum or chat room is the place where people come to interact, having a good time with other online members. People who want to improve their English can pick up a book and read or take English class. People who do not want to improve their English is their business, not ours.

:roll: I never bother usin it cuz.. not waste of my time if no one does understand me then don't reply to my post isn't that simple thing to do? :P
:lol: @ this thread... This is DEAF forum...

I agree with Tousi... And my other side agree with anyone with their opinion.

I know that it's somewhat of sticky... Don't everyone make some mistakes when submittin' some errors in their grammars.

I just don't &^%$ing care! :rofl:

But for you and other people (me too) who try to practice or are in love of perfecting our grammars... It might as well be a good idea? :lol:

For one... I'm just submittin' without even previewing my own posts...
That's fine but what about the deaf people who only know how to write ASL? Some deaf people only know how to write/type ASL and it is not fair for us to tell them that they have to watch for their mistakes if they do not understand the concept of english language.

*Example of ASL writing*

Me go out soon. You do do tonight? Me plan go mall tonight and buy pants new. For for? Meeting this saturday.

I'm pretty sure most of us have common sense to understand that.

Also many of us want to be respected for our decisions related to deafness BUT why do we get a little upset about someone else's way of writing?
LOL! I have been fully immersed in the deaf culture for years with gally, res school and all. Everyone is unique and smart in different ways. The problem is expressing that intelligence in an environment that doesn't use the same language to express this intelligence :)))) I do find myself slipping a little with English since I am using Norwegian more these days (I live in Norway). Norwegian is really different.. it has rules that are very opposite of the English grammar rules - written ASL would make more sense in Norwegian! lol If you write Norwegian in English grammar-correct order, you'll be writing nonsense to other Norwegians. I still write a bit of nonsense Norwegian to this day and I appreciate the corrections or criticisms made by others. I learn a lot by observing how others write Norwegian to me, too. It really doesnt hurt my feelings if I am told my Norwegian sucks! I know I have my precious ASL and English that I am proficient in, and I like a good challenge anyway!

I believe it is a personal responsibility that person will have to take for herself or himself, as well as it seems to be unavoidable to face some peer criticism or encouragement in an english writing environment. But it comes down to the writer's choice... to improve English or not, with the knowledge that there is room for improvement. I do try to expand my vocabulary by playing Literati or Scrabbles with other buddies online. :))) We all never stop learning! For myself - I would want the choice to say no or yes to any change or criticism, instead of not knowing. I mean, if you're fine with the way you write then you shouldn't have problems listening to what others like Tousi have to say about it. Why should there be problems? What would Buddha or Jesus do? LOL!

I want to improve my Norwegian, damn! :Oops:
Hi Liza

How could you write Norwegian language? Do they use English language?

I am curious. :)
It's not that we do not want to learn. Some deaf grew up in all deaf schools, some in oral schools, some in public mainstream schools with no interpreters some went in public mainstream with interpreters. Its how they learned its not their fault. mostly the school which are the ones that supposed to teach us how to correct our English grammar or spelling. Not everyone is perfect at spelling But we do makes mistakes who doesn't. I have seen some people are perfect with English grammar but, That doesn't mean everyone else is bad at it. We are all learning everyday how to say our sentences how to write our sentences. English looks very tough and its "grammar" seems even tougher. There is No English Grammar checked in this forum so. I think everyone can just be themselves. If you do not understand what they are trying to say just asked them nicely to repeat. I don't judge anyone with a bad spelling or English grammar, If I do not understand that person I would asked that person to explain it in another way do know my English Grammar isn't that excellent but I am trying my best as possible can.