Should We Feed The Poor ?


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May 3, 2006
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May has seen a shocking number of people needing food assistance here in Redding and Shasta County. Could we possibly be in the final generation Jesus spoke about? Are we continually being tested by God to produce fruit? and show the Love of Christ? Bible prophecy is becoming todays news !

Why do many Churches wonder why they are having so many problems? Is it because they dont show charity to the stranger at the doors of their Churches called by Gods name? Dosent God "Administer justice for the fatherless, and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing."?(Deuteronomy 10, v18) Why cant we? Are we looking for money when we invite others to our Churches?
"When you give a dinner or supper, do not ask your friends, your brothers, your relatives nor rich neighbors, lest they pay you back, and you be repaid."
"But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind"
"And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just" (Luke 14, v 12-14)

Redding Loaves & Fishes is a nonprofit,non salaried, all volunteer, nondenominational organization.100% of your monetary donations go to operational and food purchases.

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Absolutly NOT! If you wanna inprove the poor make them earn a living.Tell them if you wanna eat hop on the bus and were take em to work as volenteers and you work 10 hours a day 7 day a week.Bus picks em up at 8AM To go to work and you work from 9AM-7PM You get to eat free food at noon-1PM and at 5-6PM And Then you take em back out let em live on the street.
Personally I feel that people should help as much as they can without puting them self in a hole. Do as much as you can but make sure you dont hurt your own needs.
Personally from my own experience. They should get a job and a life themselves and if I noticed that the crime rate went up because they get free food and they cause so much trouble. I would yank that program right out and put in a strict program which has proved to work much better, I would want to see at least 5 job applications or more be filled out everyday then they can get some hot food and a bed to rest their head on then go out the next day until they get a job then save up for a real place to sleep. I am not saying I am turning them away but you gotta think of the public's safety because today drug addicts and homeless people are simply too dangerous to feed food to and not risk getting hurt, stabbed or shot for helping them. I used to be homeless at one time and I saw they did not want to work with the program or the system and I did what they said then in a matter of a few months I had a job, an apartment not because I am Deaf but because I followed instructions and I got what I worked for and paid for. I was able to tell the homeless shelter staff thank you and they said they wished they could see more of people like me who were real serious and not fool around in the streets. I agreed with them and I went on my way home to a real bed, real hot food, real good sleep, and a real job to go everyday. Yes, there needs to be better Deaf services for homeless Deaf people but man, those homeless staff workers really are trying to help you and they got about 1,000 another homeless clients out of them all maybe 10 - 15 are serious people ready to go to work, get an apartment and fill job applications and work with the system.
My personal belief has always been that everybody should have access to food, shelter, and at least rudimentary medical care, regardless of ability to pay. 96% of all homelessness is caused by two mental disorders: schizophrenia and alcoholism. Both of these diseases have a strong genetic component, so they will always be limited within a given population. It really costs next to nothing to feed a person. Americans throw away enough food every year to feed the entire world for 10 days. My wife and I can eat just fine for $150/month. And we live in Southern California—food is even cheaper in other parts of the country. We have so much in the United States compared to people in other countries—it’s almost criminal for us to allow others to go cold and hungry.
Heath said:
Personally from my own experience. They should get a job and a life themselves and if I noticed that the crime rate went up because they get free food and they cause so much trouble. I would yank that program right out and put in a strict program which has proved to work much better, I would want to see at least 5 job applications or more be filled out everyday then they can get some hot food and a bed to rest their head on then go out the next day until they get a job then save up for a real place to sleep. I am not saying I am turning them away but you gotta think of the public's safety because today drug addicts and homeless people are simply too dangerous to feed food to and not risk getting hurt, stabbed or shot for helping them. I used to be homeless at one time and I saw they did not want to work with the program or the system and I did what they said then in a matter of a few months I had a job, an apartment not because I am Deaf but because I followed instructions and I got what I worked for and paid for. I was able to tell the homeless shelter staff thank you and they said they wished they could see more of people like me who were real serious and not fool around in the streets. I agreed with them and I went on my way home to a real bed, real hot food, real good sleep, and a real job to go everyday. Yes, there needs to be better Deaf services for homeless Deaf people but man, those homeless staff workers really are trying to help you and they got about 1,000 another homeless clients out of them all maybe 10 - 15 are serious people ready to go to work, get an apartment and fill job applications and work with the system.

Matthew 25:31-46

" But when the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit on the throne of his glory:and before him shall be gathered all the nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats;and he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:for I was hungry, and ye gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me in;naked, and ye clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, and fed thee? or athirst, and gave thee drink? And when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, [even] these least, ye did it unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels:for I was hungry, and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink. I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of these least, ye did it not unto me. And these shall go away into eternal punishment: but the righteous into eternal life ".

What did the Lord God says about refusin' to feed the poor, clothin' the poor, housin' the poor and visitin' the poor when one turns his/her back on them ? What if, they couldn't find a job in a long time ? Nowdays, it's very difficult to find one. It ain't that easy. It's Christian's responsibility to take care of the poor - in return that person will do the same to Christian if, it happens to her/him in the future. If, not - then, God will judge as it mentions in the scriptures. As I've mentioned before -- NEVER, NEVER judge on the outside or what have the homeless. I did helped one black homeless woman with some food and a tiny bible back in 1979. She was very contented to see me when I got off the Metro Bus. Sometimes, she moved around from one place to another and I couldn't find her. God have brought a wind to guide me to find her. I found her that she was inside the small store, lookin' for " cheap " food she could afford. There was a man ( cashier ) who saw me helpin' that black woman.. he was pissed off at me and sayin' to leave the store. :ugh2: I was upset. I really want to help that woman. I was told to leave, so I leave. In some years later, he was no longer workin' in that store. I have noo idea what happened to him after what he have done to me. Once a person attempts to curse me, the curse will bounce back to that person - IMO.
Heath said:
I am not saying I am turning them away but you gotta think of the public's safety because today drug addicts and homeless people are simply too dangerous to feed food to and not risk getting hurt, stabbed or shot for helping them.

A very large percentage of the homeless are mentally ill and there are simply not enough funding to help them. The mentally ill have a very hard time finding and holding a job. I have seen Vietnam Vets homeless. They suffer from very severe PTSD. It is really sad. There is not enough funding for group homes, long term hospitalizations, etc for those people and they often are not able to take care of themselves and keep an apartment due to their mental illness and they end up on the streets. And FYI...there are group homes, but the conditions are pretty bad. They are very overcrowded and not very much supervision. It's so sad.

I knew this Vietnam veteran back when I was living in Milwaukee WI years ago. I met him when I was riding the city bus. He knew signs because his parents are deaf. However, he has severe PTSD. He fought in vietnam and now it is permanmently stuck in his mind and memories. He remembers the horrors of the wars as if it was yesterday, and he cannot forget about it, no matter how hard he tried. He would tell horror stories about how horrible the war was, and he looked so sad and scared. It is really sad. He can't even enjoy life because of it. Because of his PTSD, he can't enjoy nice things like a beautiful sunset or laugh or anything. All he knows is the horrors of the war.

And FYI...many veterans are homeless.
I must say this, Depends on what situations homeless and kids..

For me, I had food from food shelves for pretty long time.. my situations was after went through domestic violence, separated, lost the house, almost end up homeless, but found apartment.. that only i bare afford.. then I collected food from food shelves for while, when the child support payments never came.. applied food assistances or other assistances, turned down..

No choice, still collect food shelves till I got better income this year.. This fall, I am planning to have last two little ones to daycare (my bro's).. and go work volunteer at food shelves or some places which provided needy family.. to pay back what they gave us.. that will makes me feel good.. to get the guility load off my shoulder.

IMO.. assistances for those single parent with kids who went through hardships... but not for who dont have job.. if lay off from job, can have "temporary" assistance.. but VA Veterans deserved to have some assistances.. cuz they served our country..
LuciaDisturbed said:
A very large percentage of the homeless are mentally ill and there are simply not enough funding to help them. The mentally ill have a very hard time finding and holding a job. I have seen Vietnam Vets homeless. They suffer from very severe PTSD. It is really sad. There is not enough funding for group homes, long term hospitalizations, etc for those people and they often are not able to take care of themselves and keep an apartment due to their mental illness and they end up on the streets. And FYI...there are group homes, but the conditions are pretty bad. They are very overcrowded and not very much supervision. It's so sad.

I knew this Vietnam veteran back when I was living in Milwaukee WI years ago. I met him when I was riding the city bus. He knew signs because his parents are deaf. However, he has severe PTSD. He fought in vietnam and now it is permanmently stuck in his mind and memories. He remembers the horrors of the wars as if it was yesterday, and he cannot forget about it, no matter how hard he tried. He would tell horror stories about how horrible the war was, and he looked so sad and scared. It is really sad. He can't even enjoy life because of it. Because of his PTSD, he can't enjoy nice things like a beautiful sunset or laugh or anything. All he knows is the horrors of the war.

And FYI...many veterans are homeless.

Homeless veterans, I do have alots of respect for them and they really are trying, some have given up because of how the system works against the Vietnam Veterans and another veterans from another wars ( WW II , Korea Gulf War, Iraq/Afghanstain )

I am talking about the guys that are actually lazy and are criminals breaking so much laws. They did not fight in a war and are not veterans.
How can I care for these scumbags because they don't care. You got to know where to draw the line.

But for homeless veterans, They have a special place in my heart and I have PTSD too from being seeing way too many things, car accidents, getting nearly killed myself and getting into fights that nobody in their right mind would want to be in.

Our brothers in arms should be getting much better help than the VA is giving them. The VA does have some homeless shelters for the veterans but they screw the vets over which is not something they should get when they returned statesides.

Here is a very excellent organization run by veterans.

Also, I know what Jesus Christ said about caring for the poor but helping the poor should not get you beaten up or killed. That is un-acceptable.
Buckdodger and Heath,

If you encourage them to find the jobs, how are you gonna to find a good job with a great pay and wonderful benefits?

You may need to take an economic of social issues course at college.

I encourage you to support their needs: food, non-alocholic beverages, shelters, clothes, medicines...

Heath, don't you love your Jesus's gospels so be action on that issue.
Mookie said:
Buckdodger and Heath,

If you encourage them to find the jobs, how are you gonna to find a good job with a great pay and wonderful benefits?

You may need to take an economic of social issues course at college.

I encourage you to support their needs: food, non-alocholic beverages, shelters, clothes, medicines...

Heath, don't you love your Jesus's gospels so be action on that issue.

I said that I know what Jesus Christ said about helping the poor but you should not have to get beaten up or killed for helping the poor people. If we removed all the illegal aliens from this country and then the homeless people would really have a job and all of us would have more jobs.
Heath said:
I am talking about the guys that are actually lazy and are criminals breaking so much laws. They did not fight in a war and are not veterans.
How can I care for these scumbags because they don't care. You got to know where to draw the line.

Well, when you first commented, you weren't specific, you were painting the entire homeless population with a broad brush.

I do draw a line. I care about homeless, but I do not give money to a homeless person on the street. I would much rather donate to a organization like the Salvation Army or donate clothes or food. I just won't give money to any homeless person cause then there is no guarantee that the person will use it for something useful like food. I tell them, if they need food, go to soup kitchen or to the food pantry. They need clothes, go to Salvation Army or Catholic Charities. I just want to make sure my money goes where it is supposed to go and not towards booze or drugs. Booze and drugs does not help the homeless. It's sad that so many of the homeless who cannot afford medication for their mental illnesses or are drug addicts and alcoholics self-medicate with alcohol; it just makes the problem worse. :(
Heath said:
If we removed all the illegal aliens from this country and then the homeless people would really have a job and all of us would have more jobs.

FYI....most homeless persons are homeless because of some sort of severe mental illness, not because there are not enough jobs. They are unable to hold a job because of the severity of their mental illness and therefore are unable to pay the rent and buy food, so they often end up on the streets.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Well, when you first commented, you weren't specific, you were painting the entire homeless population with a broad brush.

I do draw a line. I care about homeless, but I do not give money to a homeless person on the street. I would much rather donate to a organization like the Salvation Army or donate clothes or food. I just won't give money to any homeless person cause then there is no guarantee that the person will use it for something useful like food. I tell them, if they need food, go to soup kitchen or to the food pantry. They need clothes, go to Salvation Army or Catholic Charities. I just want to make sure my money goes where it is supposed to go and not towards booze or drugs. Booze and drugs does not help the homeless. It's sad that so many of the homeless who cannot afford medication for their mental illnesses or are drug addicts and alcoholics self-medicate with alcohol; it just makes the problem worse. :(

You forgot one thing. I was homeless and I can speak on this subject myself because I have been there and seen homelessness firsthand.
Heath, get out yer precious little bible. There’s something in there (don’t ask me where) about leaving a certain percentage of a farmer’s land unharvested so that poor people can avail themselves of it. Maybe Reba and/or CyberRed can help me out here. As a matter of fact, it was made into mandatory public policy in France as early as the seventeenth century. That is the basis of this painting, which everybody with a sixth-grade education or higher should recognize. That’s the problem with the vast majority of you Neo-Christian bible jockeys—you walk the walk and talk the talk, but when the chips are down, you really understand diddly-squat about true Christian ethics.
Levonian said:
Heath, get out yer precious little bible. There’s something in there (don’t ask me where) about leaving a certain percentage of a farmer’s land unharvested so that poor people can avail themselves of it. Maybe Reba and/or CyberRed can help me out here. As a matter of fact, it was made into mandatory public policy in France as early as the seventeenth century. That is the basis of this painting, which everybody with a sixth-grade education or higher should recognize. That’s the problem with the vast majority of you Neo-Christian bible jockeys—you walk the walk and talk the talk, but when the chips are down, you really understand diddly-squat about true Christian ethics.

That was for in Israel in the Old Testament and America does donate farm crops to poor nations. You think I don't know anything in the Holy Bible, in fact I study the Holy Bible probably much more than you ever will.
Heath said:
You think I don't know anything in the Holy Bible, in fact I study the Holy Bible probably much more than you ever will.

There’s absolutely no doubt about that. I’m sure you know 100 times more about the bible than I do. But the point of the matter is incorporating it’s tenets into your behavior and activities—that’s the clincher.
Heath said:
That was for in Israel in the Old Testament and America does donate farm crops to poor nations. You think I don't know anything in the Holy Bible, in fact I study the Holy Bible probably much more than you ever will.

I read what you said... I do agree with you in some ways, I do disagree with you in some ways...

I would help homelesses same like, giving them food or clothes if that I dont need anymore... And, remember that jobs wouldn't hire Homelesses becuase of they stinky and dont have nice clothes, they can't afford nice clothes same like the suit or nice black pants something like that. I already met a homeless who is Veterans, he was in the war for WWII on his brown paper, he need help and he need food and clothes, even he know how to sign language, I was very surprised. I waved at him and I wish I can help him but I don't have anything with me that time, I will try my best to bring food to seeing if he's there and I will give him the food and maybe clothes if he need. Also, every year my parents always give the clothes up to somewhere that is helping Homelesses... I felt bad for them becuase I know how it's hard for them and such like that... :(

Also, I wouldn't give them money because I don't know what they will do with my money... Food? Clothes? Drugs? What? Oh well, Food and Clothes are best to giving to Homelesses...
LuciaDisturbed said:
A very large percentage of the homeless are mentally ill and there are simply not enough funding to help them. The mentally ill have a very hard time finding and holding a job. I have seen Vietnam Vets homeless. They suffer from very severe PTSD. It is really sad. There is not enough funding for group homes, long term hospitalizations, etc for those people and they often are not able to take care of themselves and keep an apartment due to their mental illness and they end up on the streets. And FYI...there are group homes, but the conditions are pretty bad. They are very overcrowded and not very much supervision. It's so sad.

I knew this Vietnam veteran back when I was living in Milwaukee WI years ago. I met him when I was riding the city bus. He knew signs because his parents are deaf. However, he has severe PTSD. He fought in vietnam and now it is permanmently stuck in his mind and memories. He remembers the horrors of the wars as if it was yesterday, and he cannot forget about it, no matter how hard he tried. He would tell horror stories about how horrible the war was, and he looked so sad and scared. It is really sad. He can't even enjoy life because of it. Because of his PTSD, he can't enjoy nice things like a beautiful sunset or laugh or anything. All he knows is the horrors of the war.

And FYI...many veterans are homeless.

Please remember this is a movie made in a negative light during the post Vietnam War years. People did not understand what was really going on with the high crime rate of Vietnam Veterans returning statesides but please , please remember that there were many positive and very successful Vietnam Veterans that returned statesides and became businessmen, policemen etc. , and most important of all they went back to being fathers who love their children very much and be with their wife again. They have been successful so please do not think all Vietnam Veterans are like this but this is some of what PTSD looks like but remember this is Hollywood, PTSD in some combat veterans minds are mild, some are horrifying, some Vietnam veterans have no problem remembering the war. It depends on the individual.

" Combat Shock " Made in the 1970's ? ( read the article to the right corner )

Caution: Frightening scenes of war, violence and horrifying scary death.
Heath said:
You forgot one thing. I was homeless and I can speak on this subject myself because I have been there and seen homelessness firsthand.

I did not forget that. You were one of the lucky ones. And apparently your PTSD is mild compared to what I have seen. You have the ability to deal with your PTSD and find a place to live and get and hold a job. That is great for you. But some people, unfortunately, do not have the ability.

I am not saying you don't know nothing. I'm just letting you know some facts. We all learn something new everyday.