"Originally Posted by Audiofuzzy View Post
Well, my argument is, in real life you know immediately whether you talk to a man or a woman because it's obvious, you do not need to ask,
you just see or hear
(for if you are blind you recognize gender by voice) for yourself."
I was responding to this part of " Audiofuzzy " post! Which talked about
"real life " situations. So I was not wrong in my answer !!!!!
Nope. Unless there is a decline to state or other option. Easier for the lowlifes seek out females and harass them. I know some women who purposely avoid identifying as female on forums due to previous experiences with harassment or unwanted comments, contacts, messages etc.[/
A good point, but on this forum the harasser wouldn't get too far, as we have very good moderators who are on the lookout for the harassers. They are booted to the curb quite quickly, thank god!
I do agree that pointing out your gender could be optional, would still love to have that choice.
Wrong ! I saw this person back and they had beautiful long white and
I was going to tell the 'woman' I liked hair , but when the person turned around it was 'man' with beautiful long white hair. And I had seen people I was not sure what gender they were b/c of their haircut and clothes . I could not tell if was a man trying to look like a woman or the other way around.
All this b/c someone was called a 'dude' . . :roll:
You can post or send a PM... either way works. Nothing wrong to post and ask if the person you're responding to is male or female. It's very simple question.
While that is true you might not know "FOR SURE" what gender a person is online, for the most part in over 20 years online I've had a positive experience. 99% of the people I interacted with were the true gender they said they were. I can only remember one instance of a incorrect gender 'on purpose' and that person told me why (had to do with being involved in an activity that is dominated by the opposite gender and the individual's gender is not easily accepted). That person did tell me in the end (though I suspected).WDYS has a good point, even if it is presented nobody knows if it is true.
Personally, I'd rather see hearing vs non-hearing. But, even in that case I wouldn't know if it were true or not.
The fact is, you have to take most of this internet stuff with a grain of salt.
Shoes? Bleech. Only if I get to have a sneaker or hiking boot! Or barefoot- yeah that's the ticket.. barefoot. Too bad I can't go to work (whenever that will be) barefoot and in a pair of shorts/t-shirt...
Maybe instead of colors or clothing items we have a simple "M" or "F" ? Boring, I know, but easy enough to discern?
Female here as my pix implies. White/blonde hair and blue eyes. Been around the block too many times....![]()
Maybe instead of colors or clothing items we have a simple "M" or "F" ? Boring, I know, but easy enough to discern?