Should the USA submit to Copenhagen treaty?

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Hope we can get some good feedback on this frightening issue.
Hope we can get some good feedback on this frightening issue.

What's frightening, the speaker in the first reba post or the threaty?

Is the speaker OK or not, when claiming that greenpeace, taken over by communists, have a secret agenda to create a world communist goverment :lol:

He also says that there is "no problem with climate..".

But great to see stuff like this subtitled, thanks for that one Reba!
Thanks to Tousi for finding the captioned video. :)

The treaty is frightening. It's another step for the United States to come closer to surrendering sovereignty to foreign entities.

I just hope that Congress has the good sense to turn down the treaty, as per our Constitution.
Need to read up on the treaty itself to understand what it is implementing..

All I can say is... he should had left out the commentary about Communism. The egg is on his face for that one.
Need to read up on the treaty itself to understand what it is implementing..

All I can say is... he should had left out the commentary about Communism. The egg is on his face for that one.
The video presentation introduces the problem.

The website with links to the exact text gives you the details.

The narrative summary is aimed at laymen.

The legal text is aimed at lawyers (but feel free to tackle it).
The President "... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur...."

Article II, Section 2, US Constitution
No way, I wouldn't want support Copenhagen treaty.

I hope Obama wouldn't sign, if he did so will affect 2010 mid-election.
Possibility.. it can happen. I am certain that you know why. :) Hopefully, Obama will NOT sign it, but if it related to his "new change" then, we will have a major problem. It will create chaos and destruction.
Possibility.. it can happen. I am certain that you know why. :) Hopefully, Obama will NOT sign it, but if it related to his "new change" then, we will have a major problem. It will create chaos and destruction.

chaos and destruction? how?
Possibility.. it can happen. I am certain that you know why. :) Hopefully, Obama will NOT sign it, but if it related to his "new change" then, we will have a major problem. It will create chaos and destruction.

Wow, I should better to protect you from being victim from chaos.
It has been.

"We are confident that a legitimate bipartisan effort can put America back in the lead again and can empower our negotiators to sit down at the table in Copenhagen in December and insist that the rest of the world join us in producing a new international agreement on global warming."
Congress can still achieve climate change consensus The Post and Courier - Charleston SC newspaper

Obama seeks to shift climate talks - Climate Change-

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Good news:

"What’s that mean for the prospects in Copenhagen? Top U.S. climate negotiator Jonathan Pershing, in Bloomberg: “It will be extraordinarily difficult for the U.S. to commit to a specific number in the absence of action from Congress.”"
Green Ink: Goodbye, Copenhagen - Environmental Capital - WSJ

For teachers:
EMU Teachers' COP15

Turns out, Obama may not even attend after all:

President Obama won’t talk climate change in Copenhagen - Times Online
chaos and destruction? how?

What do you think it will happen once our Constitution throw out the window, if Obama decides to sign it ? What happens to our Bill of Rights, if they want One World government ? What is goin' to happen to us once the sovereignty is submitted to foreign entities ? Are we goin' to have civil war ?

Think of this: we have problem with economy, healthcare, and such. And, now this. Why causes all this chaos on our country ? Why ?? I don't see anythin' that is gettin' better. It's gettin' out of hands. Out of control. It's all about the power and control. It destroys on the "good" side. We gave away our freedom too much for peace and safety. Their peace and safety doesn't last.
What do you think it will happen once our Constitution throw out the window, if Obama decides to sign it ? What happens to our Bill of Rights, if they want One World government ? What is goin' to happen to us once the sovereignty is submitted to foreign entities ? Are we goin' to have civil war ?

Think of this: we have problem with economy, healthcare, and such. And, now this. Why causes all this chaos on our country ? Why ?? I don't see anythin' that is gettin' better. It's gettin' out of hands. Out of control. It's all about the power and control. It destroys on the "good" side. We gave away our freedom too much for peace and safety. Their peace and safety doesn't last.

nothing for me to think about cuz it'll never happen :)
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