Excellent, T-Mobile has decent value plan and Sidekick Unlimited Data which gives you Unlimited Text Message, Picture Message, Email, Messenger, Browser, and capability download fun for free like Yahoo Messenger, Sprint Wireless Relay and IP-Relay which they are free to download. However you need to make sure your area is T-Mobile Network area or Partnership with GPRS capability area.
T-Mobile To Go Sidekick II is a great prepaid, if not interest getting any hassle on either 1-2 years contract, however T-Mobile prefer to have 1 year contract as first option, but 2 years option is available upon customer request as well.
T-Mobile To Go Sidekick starter kit starting from 329.99, but right now T-Mobile has 50.00 instant rebate would be 279.99 at anywhere T-Mobile store or T-Mobile authorized dealer or Walmart and online. This plan only cost you 1.00 per day everday weither device is on or off with of course all unlimited data as just I said in above, but anything than freebie from Download Fun it would deduct right off ur available funds. It can be purchase T-Mobile To Go Prepaid Card at any available in store to add more funds. To have that, you must be within T-Mobile Network USA not Partnership Network (Roaming Network), since prepaid and post pay (monthly bill/contract) are not on same system, therefore it will only work within T-Mobile Network USA.
If you not in any T-Mobile Network USA but know that you are in roaming area that is according to T-Mobile coverage check, then I'd first give T-Mobile call and find out in your area that actually has GPRS capability on partnership's network in your area. While to do that and theres something I have to tell you, while you know in ur area is partnership GPRS capability network area, and you only be able to use this service if you willing to sign up at least 1 year contract with this plan in order to work, not prepaid svc. Yep its only way to do that. However it remain decent plan for $29.99 per month for alll unlimited data.
If your area is partnership with GPRS capability, You can't call in T-Mobile to start your service with purchase of Sidekick II, due to FCC says T-Mobile only able to allow to make new svc where T-Mobile Network USA coverage at. Which then mean you'd have to order/buy Sidekick II someplace else, like Ebay or etc at your risk if from Ebay. Or you can defintely still buy T-Mobile To Go Prepaid Sidekick II starter kit, but it doesnt mean for prepaid only, it can also can be for post pay svc as well. All you need to do is call T-Mobile Activation Dept and let them know you wanting to activate post pay/contract svc with ur new device.. Just like I did and I've been doing this way since my area is not T-Mobile but Formerly Western Wireless Corporation with GPRS capability (ALLTEL) works like charm and I love it so far. IP-Relay is soo amazing and exactly the same as TTY than I first thought it would be not much alike TTY like AIM IP-Relay, but no its much just like TTY, I can read convesation exactly as operator is typing at the same time WOW! I like that.. I definetely go for it