Should farm animals be cloned?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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I think so yes! That would been food shortages would be almost impossibile. Like start cloning chickens & pigs first :twisted:
I'm not sure that cloning farm animals would increase the food suppy -- probably the expense of creating the critters scientifically would make it not worth while!
I thought Magatsu already made a thread about Pet Clones :confused:
Cloning animals for food purposes... That's
something I haven't even thought about...
ravensteve1961 said:
I think so yes! That would been food shortages would be almost impossibile. Like start cloning chickens & pigs first :twisted:
No. It will be backfire on us. Nature set its own rules and nature is not to be messed with. Clones will produce new strain of virus(es) and spread faster than normal.
How much FASTER can an animal grow/ be ready for eating via cloning?

I mean.. common sense.

I am glad with my free range, corn fed black anguses and chickens.
demoiselle said:
I'm not sure that cloning farm animals would increase the food suppy -- probably the expense of creating the critters scientifically would make it not worth while!
Actually, if they perfect the process... they could easily clone 100 cows and pigs in one process instead of doing it over and over individually. I'm sure it'll be costly at first, but that's how everything is. Once it gets going, the process will be cheaper... and there might even be competition on which cloning company is better and cheaper. ;)
VamPyroX said:
Actually, if they perfect the process... they could easily clone 100 cows and pigs in one process instead of doing it over and over individually. I'm sure it'll be costly at first, but that's how everything is. Once it gets going, the process will be cheaper... and there might even be competition on which cloning company is better and cheaper. ;)

Ok, ok, true enough! Though the points above about disease would still be pertinenet.
No. I don't need more man made stuff in me. It is already bad enough with farmed salmon as opposed to natural salmon here.

We should put in more effort to saving animals than wiping their existence off on the planet in order to eat man made stuff.
I'd be very concerned about the animals themselves. An example of this is Dolly the sheep who developed arthritis. I wouldn't want the animals to suffer any effect of cloning because of us. We do need cows though for dairy products, and they're beautiful animals to have in a paddock.