Should Bungee Jumping be against the law?

Should Bungee Jumping be against the law?

  • YES

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 32 84.2%

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters


I think so.People are doing stupid and dangerous stuff with Bungee Jumping.Including off tall high bridges and skyscrapers.They even have Bungee Jumping in State Fairs and carnivals.So should you be arrested if you commit Bungee Jumping?
No, People need know how to take caring with it.
No, Bungee Jumping is a hobby like ski, diver,etc. The people know how to take care of themselves.

My brother did it in New Zealand.
It's a hobby, I doubt a lot of people get killed doing this though I can imagine some may suffer some minor injuries like dislocating its shoulder or something.

Still, why would they ban this when people on the road are killing far more? Should we ban driving?

No, because we would go downnnnn economy-wise.
Its dangerous and Accidents do happen with bungee jumping.Its playing a game of death in other words.
No.. because it's a hobby and people take risks.. but I wouldnt do it because I am afraid of heights.. must be with a friend, Jeremy or a family member to do it together. Not Alone! :Ohno:
heck no.. never take away people's rights.. its their choice to do that hobby.

rock climbing is more dangerous than bungee jumping.. and ban rock climbing.. nah.. its people's right to do what they want to do to enjoy themself with hobby..

what piss me off is that people are banning ATV more and more just because people don't obey the law.. heck that!
No, it wont get killed from bungee jump cuz they got safety wire and professional staff to take care of it unless they make one mistake and wham!
To get this thread a little back on track...

If you don't know how to do bungee jumping, don't do it...

I have done bungee jumping, rap jumping, abseiling...I just want to say that if you are not doing it under professional people, don't even try...its too dangerous...

I think there should be a pre-requisite, that you should have experience if you know what to do , or something that only allows stuff like this under professional people!

No people like it, I enjoyed my experience!!

Nope! If people with bad health should not do it.

People enjoy it and just have some fun. My friend did that in New Zeland and he said he loved it! I am still chicken ass but I may go for it! Who know!

The rope that using for bungee..must up to 100 times (I think, I may be wrong) and replace a new one to prevent the freak accdient.
I voted no. My old best friend did many time. she said no problem for her. I wont do it because I am scared.
I beg to differ, Bungee Jumping should NOT be against the law because it is our fun past time, our hobby, our entertainment. For those extreme hobbies, There are always going to be freak accidents no matter how safe we try to make it to be. That is why they are trying to make the tools to be as safe as the best as they can. To make yourself safe from those, All you can do is to be aware and take precautions. It does not hurt to come in prepared because it could very well save your lives. There are alot of other different forms that are dangerous as well, For example, riding on a motorcycle and doing the Evel Knivel act is dangerous but yet, it is not against the law either.

It is our right to have our hobbies and when that is taken, Just imagine how would that feel? When that is taken away, I can imagine - It's not going to be a pretty sight.
Bungee Jumping is potentially dangerous, but so is riding motorcycles. Are we going to make motorcycle riding illegal, too?

I think we go too far in wanting to make things illegal or wanting to ban things.

There's something called personal responsibility. Each one of us has the right to do things that might seem alittle crazy. When we do, we assume the risks involved. Making this illegal isn't the answer, and it's also a bit upsurd.

Btw, I voted no. :)
heck no!

if people wanna to do an extreme sport this is one of the way they can get their fix
If we ban bungee jumping then we might as well ban all extreme sports. I believe bungee jumping and other extreme sports should be "at your own risk" than be banned. There are enough crazy people who need their thrill fix and if bungee jumping is banned, then they will come up with something new--maybe those tv show jackass stunts.
Pardon the interruption...

Far be it for me to stop somebody going "SPLAT" every once in a while. I hear they don't look too good afterwards. But hey...what is a little risk now and then. Heck, breathing is risky too! What are we gonna do? Ban breathing!!!

Back to our regular program....please carry on...
A few minutes of quick Googling has revealed that there were only 5 bungee jumping deaths worldwide in the period 1979 – 1992, and that there has never been a documented bungee jumping death anywhere in the United States. So let me reiterate: 3000 Americans die from cardiovascular disease every day. Why are you so concerned with giant rubber bands when we should be outlawing Double Whoppers with Cheese?
This is why it should be against the law.
YouTube - Dead on Bungee Jump

Any Questions?
If i was governor of Maryland id would make a law aganist Bungee Jumping.Anyone caught doing this would spend 5-10 years in State Prison.Plus a $25,000 fine.If youre even watching it withing 10 feet cheering youll spend a year in jail plus $5,000 fine. Just like you cant use the Super Soaker in Maryland on public parks or on school grounds.You can use the supersoaker on your own property.But if you use it on public property you can be arrested for it.But the Super Soaker is Illegal in Baltimore City.
This is why it should be against the law.
YouTube - Dead on Bungee Jump

Any Questions?
If i was governor of Maryland id would make a law aganist Bungee Jumping.Anyone caught doing this would spend 5-10 years in State Prison.Plus a $25,000 fine.If youre even watching it withing 10 feet cheering youll spend a year in jail plus $5,000 fine. Just like you cant use the Super Soaker in Maryland on public parks or on school grounds.You can use the supersoaker on your own property.But if you use it on public property you can be arrested for it.But the Super Soaker is Illegal in Baltimore City.

You will never be governor because everyone know your background. You talk soo nasty and you like control over people. People will never vote you for being governor!!!!!!!!!