Grendel, do you mean reverse 'terps? Intead of terping English to ASL, they terp ASL to English?
1)I see a lot of cricticism of oral only yes......but those criticisms are legitimate, since it seems like the pro oral onliests tend to sweep problems about oral only under the rug (oh they'll be fine, they'll have more access to the hearing world :roll

Even audilogically hoh kids and superstars often end up with those problems. Oral only is not perfect. I do think if you had witnessed the psychological and social emotinal damage seen in oral only you would see where we are coming from. Stuff like never fitting into the hearing world socially, being made fun of or being thought intellectucally disabled b/c of our voices, (you have NO fucking CLUE how many kids at my mainstream school treated me like someone with Down's Syndrome. You have NO fucking clue what it's like to be isolated socially and emotionally, even thou the "experts" said you would have access to the hearing world, never really knowing what is going on, the only hearing friends you have are at a superfical level, Oral abilty DOES give you a lot of skills...but NOBODY is saying that we gotta do ASL only. We are advocating for a FULL TOOLBOX! Fluent speech and Sign abilty for ALL dhh kids, early on. (ie for EI and preschool/kindergarten) That way the KIDS themselves can discover which method is best for them.
2) I do see people calling you audist. Granted you're not an AG BAD style audist, but you are still idolizing the hearing world, mainstreaming and speech and hearing as supioror to Deaf Schools and Sign language.
3) I really haven't noticed that at all. Most of us are very pro implant as an option. If you think this is bad, you should have been around ten years ago. Even "libral" deafies were anti CI
4) We think that dhh kids need to be introduced to it early on, to prevent possible speech and language issues. Also, so that they can capitalize on their nautral visual processing. Also, to help them socially. Even AG Bell super stars have major issues in this area.
5) I have nothing more to say
6) Yes, your daughter has developed spoken language abilty. Nobody is saying she won't But she still is behind compared to a hearing or even hoh kid right? You're afraid she won't be on par with her spoken language. Most dhh kids can develop very decent spoken language abilty, but the question is......can they develop on par/sophsicated language abilty? This isn't the old days like where oral eighth graders could only understand the concept " Abraham Lincoln was a tall man" or where a three year old only had a handful of spoken words. But still the question remains if they will be able to develop on par/sophisticated spoken language. Some will yes, but virtually all the research has indicated that while oral kids are doing better then they were, they're still behind with their spoken language compared to their hearing peers.