Short Wii reviews


Crime fighter
Premium Member
Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Wii: small, cute, and friendly. The Wiimote takes a bit of getting used to but no more than you'd expect. There's some cute built-in features like the Miis (little Nintendo Sims you can use to play Wii Sports and, presumably, upcoming games). You guys on this forum probably won't care about that aspect but it's nice that there's built-in appeal for more than just hardcore male gamers.

Wii Sports is not really a full-fledged game, more a way to show the flexibility and potential of the Wiimote. It's definitely fun and satisfying to take your stance at the plate, swing and feel the bat reverberate when you hit one out of the park (or even foul one off).

I'm not much of an FPS player so it's hard for me to comment fully on Red Steel. The movement and gunplay don't seem too immensely different from a regular console FPS, although you'll definitely want to adjust the sensitivity of the Wiimote. It does take some getting used to but the way you have to move the nunchuk to knock over tables or open doors does draw you into the game in a unique, tactile way. My fiancé continued playing up to the sword-fighting and that looked much cooler. You have to block attacks with one sword while slashing with the other. If I were more interested in FPS games I'd be all over it.

Trauma Center is a great souped-up version of Operation. I wish they'd done more with having to use instruments other than simply moving the Wiimote very carefully; the forceps are implemented really well because you have to press two buttons in a way that emulates using actual forceps, but it looks like mostly it's about fine control of the Wii, not too different from the DS version (from what I hear). Still, I look forward to playing more of it.

All three games so far have been deaf-friendly.

Zelda should be here today or Monday but there's enough reviews of that already.
Yep...Red Steel would be the very first game I get when I pick up a Wii. ;)
I haven't gotten the Wii.

A friend of mine is getting a Wii in a few hours. He pre-ordered his a few weeks ago from Toys-R-Us. When he goes in to pick up his Wii, he'll also be getting a second remote, a retro controller, and Zelda.
My fiancé ordered Zelda from an independent store (he prefers to support them as opposed to EB Games) and they keep saying "It'll be wait, wait, tomorrow, maybe the next day..." Grrr.

I'm pretty much over Red Steel but I continue to enjoy Trauma Center.
I heard Red Steel got a pretty bad review from :( I was crushed when I heard about it so I'm not really sure what other Wii games I should try out yet.

There's more FPS games other than Far Cry, please let me know. ;)
My fiancé ordered Zelda from an independent store (he prefers to support them as opposed to EB Games) and they keep saying "It'll be wait, wait, tomorrow, maybe the next day..." Grrr.

I'm pretty much over Red Steel but I continue to enjoy Trauma Center.

I get the sense that independent store employeers are even more clueless than the EBgames/Gamestop employeers. :D
If you got one extra wii. I'll pay you 250.00. :D I try to get order Wal mart, it out of stock. :( I wish it so bad. :(
Banjo told me last night that if you already own a Nintendo DS with a wi-fi USB connector you can still use it for the Wii online so thats still pretty cool. But if not then thats cool you can still get it for Wii instead when you get the chance. I havent got one for the DS or Wii yet either so will let you know once I get it so we can play online. ;)
Ah cool...we have a wireless network in the house so we use that for DS and Xbox Live. I don't think he's gotten the Wii online yet but it should be up pretty soon.
Ah cool...we have a wireless network in the house so we use that for DS and Xbox Live. I don't think he's gotten the Wii online yet but it should be up pretty soon.

Awesome. Nintendo hasnt made any Wii games that would let us go online with other players yet so there should be some games ready for that around next year.
Call of Duty seems to be a nice FPS for Wii. Metroid isn't launching, so it is getting primed and boy, will it be good!
I believe I have read a few times that Nintendo isn't going online till next year with Wii games.
Interesting link I just googled up-> I4U News - The Scoop on the ''Leaked'' Nintendo Wii Online Details
Wii will see how the Wii does online. Wii wonder Wii is first Wii online game? Wii.
Wii wonder Wii is first Wii online game? Wii.

*laughing* I remember when they first came out with that name I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. Now I love it.

I heard they're coming out with Animal Crossing for the Wii, and it will have online play. When that happens I might as well just quit work and school because that's the end of my life right there. I'd probably be smarter not to get it at all since I spend enough time on the DS as it is.
And watch for reports on wiimotes and broken tv's.... :lol:

I saw that and laughed because my fiancé crashed into the chandelier with the remote the very first time he played tennis. (A couple of crystals fell off but no permanent damage.) We've since rearranged the room. I'll warn him to test that wrist strap though!

Hmm, I think I hear the Wii "pinging" in the other room, better go see what's up...