Short lifespan for new laptops


Sherlock Hound
Premium Member
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
1 in 3 laptops die in first three years

So your new laptop computer died in inside of a year. "I'll never buy a computer from [insert manufacturer name here] again!" I've heard the protests time and time again.

Yeah, maybe you got a lemon, but no matter which brand you bought, you truly are not alone in this situation: An analysis of 30,000 new laptops from SquareTrade, which provides aftermarket warranty coverage for electronics products, has found that in the first three years of ownership, nearly a third of laptops (31 percent) will fail.

That's actually better than I would have expected based on my experience and observations on how people treat their equipment.

SquareTrade has more detailed information ( ) on the research on its website. But here are some highlights about how, why, and which laptops fail:

> 20.4 percent of failures are due to hardware malfunctions. 10.6 percent are due to drops, spills, or other accidental damage.

> Netbooks have a roughly 20 percent higher failure rate due to hardware malfunctions than standard laptops. The more you pay for your laptop, the less likely it is to fail in general (maybe because you're more careful with it?).

> The most reliable companies? A shocker: Toshiba and Asus, both with below a 16 percent failure rate due to hardware malfunction.

> The least reliable brands? Acer, Gateway, and HP. HP's hardware malfunction rate, the worst in SquareTrade's analysis, is a whopping 25.6 percent.

None of the numbers are overly surprising. As SquareTrade notes, "the typical laptop endures more use and abuse than nearly any other consumer electronic device (with the possible exception of cell phones)," so failures are really inevitable.

Want to keep your notebook running for longer than a few years? Ensure your laptop is as drop-proofed as possible (use a padded bag or case, route cords so they won't be tripped on, lock children in another room), and protect it as best you can from heat and dust.

1 in 3 laptops die in first three years : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech
I believe it was from crappy motherboard, especially on PC companies and I know that Apple and few PC companies like ASUS are life so longer due better motherboard.

I dislike PC laptop due short battery.

ASUS isn't bad but very short battery life so hard to find good ASUS laptop with 4 hours of battery and good graphic chipset.
Asus makes the mac laptops. But the DVD drives and hard drive are of low quality, in my opinion.
Asus makes the mac laptops. But the DVD drives and hard drive are of low quality, in my opinion.

Agreed, I don't like HDD that Apple included in MacBook Pro, I just replaced to 7200 RPM and got loved it.
1 in 3 laptops die in first three years

So your new laptop computer died in inside of a year. "I'll never buy a computer from [insert manufacturer name here] again!" I've heard the protests time and time again.

Yeah, maybe you got a lemon, but no matter which brand you bought, you truly are not alone in this situation: An analysis of 30,000 new laptops from SquareTrade, which provides aftermarket warranty coverage for electronics products, has found that in the first three years of ownership, nearly a third of laptops (31 percent) will fail.

That's actually better than I would have expected based on my experience and observations on how people treat their equipment.

SquareTrade has more detailed information ( ) on the research on its website. But here are some highlights about how, why, and which laptops fail:

> 20.4 percent of failures are due to hardware malfunctions. 10.6 percent are due to drops, spills, or other accidental damage.

> Netbooks have a roughly 20 percent higher failure rate due to hardware malfunctions than standard laptops. The more you pay for your laptop, the less likely it is to fail in general (maybe because you're more careful with it?).

> The most reliable companies? A shocker: Toshiba and Asus, both with below a 16 percent failure rate due to hardware malfunction.

> The least reliable brands? Acer, Gateway, and HP. HP's hardware malfunction rate, the worst in SquareTrade's analysis, is a whopping 25.6 percent.

None of the numbers are overly surprising. As SquareTrade notes, "the typical laptop endures more use and abuse than nearly any other consumer electronic device (with the possible exception of cell phones)," so failures are really inevitable.

Want to keep your notebook running for longer than a few years? Ensure your laptop is as drop-proofed as possible (use a padded bag or case, route cords so they won't be tripped on, lock children in another room), and protect it as best you can from heat and dust.

1 in 3 laptops die in first three years : Christopher Null : Yahoo! Tech

ACER!!! :eek2: Whew!! I got Acer Aspire Laptop!! It endured alot of abuse and still survived. It had it's 2nd hdd and buried it's dead NiCad battery.


that would be planned obsolescence.. it's big business for computer manufacturers...
This morning, I already read this news.....

I have Toshiba, IBM and HP.
Last fall, I bought HP for $300 better than $700. Let wait to see what happen in next 3 years.

My IBM Laptop is about 10 years old - just little problem with CD drive.
Our Toshiba Laptop is about 5 years old. Still great running. Usually, I heard most people say.... do not buy Toshiba. One thing, I do not like Toshiba's touch pad. So, I use USB mouse.

Many years, I used to have ASUS motherboard for PC Desktop.
that would be planned obsolescence.. it's big business for computer manufacturers...

But PC business have to be very careful not to make lifespan too short or else they'll get sued.

Otherwise, They should not make it short, they should just keep updating new hardwares so people can save up and buy it when they can afford. They got to know that there's always new technology coming up every year.

This morning, I already read this news.....

I have Toshiba, IBM and HP.
Last fall, I bought HP for $300 better than $700. Let wait to see what happen in next 3 years.

My IBM Laptop is about 10 years old - just little problem with CD drive.
Our Toshiba Laptop is about 5 years old. Still great running. Usually, I heard most people say.... do not buy Toshiba. One thing, I do not like Toshiba's touch pad. So, I use USB mouse.

Many years, I used to have ASUS motherboard for PC Desktop.

Yup, Some laptops have lousy touchpad. I've seen some people prefer using usb or Bluetooth mouse to get around better. I agree with you that some are funky that it's hard to navigate with poorly designed touchpad.

On my Acer, it's good design. I use it alot and left button is worn but barely able to click through. It need a new switch soon. It's a Surface Mount switch that I can do repairs on it. I kept putting off repairs :lol:

I like HP cuz it's 100% Linux compatible. That's why it's cheap.

My old HP zv5410us laptop took so muxch abuse I could throw at it for 4 years until I upgraded to a Gateway p7805u FX laptop. Right now the HP is pretty much dozing on a cubbbyhole unless something happens to the Gateway.

8 months later with the FX, it's still that damn tough. I dont even use the battery as I keep the laptop plugged in except for an power knockout.

Least reliable? my ass... I told my ex wife to get an Acer after all it is Acer that also owns Gateway. I think in the Acer world, an Acer laptop is like a Chevy and a Gateway is the Cadillac lol. I think the secret was that I always pay no more than $1,300 for each laptop. Cheap ones? forget em! I want mine fast and expensive enough to take the abuse I throw at it.
I'm some companies designed some products along with the planned obsolescence (that word I was looking for some time, thanks lol).

My Toshiba laptop still operates greatly since three years. I take good care of it so it should run for a good while. (knocking on the wood)

I gathered that the Acer laptops are solid yet rather quite amazing to me. Many Europeans use them and more Americans are using them as well.

Though many laptop users do not bother to take good care of them... real common so it's not all fault on the companies. Know and treat it like your automobiles or else.
That's why I am not interested in laptops. Desktops are faster, cheaper, more reliable, easy to repair/upgrade.
That's why I am not interested in laptops. Desktops are faster, cheaper, more reliable, easy to repair/upgrade.

and a PITA to set it up hook monitor, tower and messing with the cables. Forget it for me cuz if I wanna move a laptop it only takes a few seconds to close the lid and move it to its new place. I had enough problems remembering which cable goes to which with my last desktop 10 years ago.
Three top that have less problem and longer are Sony, Acer and Apple.

Desktop PC still required more job to replace new hardware update. Fear is, not all can be compatible with lately Win OS.

I have PowerBook 3G from 1999, it still work for decade. No kidding.
That's why I am not interested in laptops. Desktops are faster, cheaper, more reliable, easy to repair/upgrade.
Upgrading the memory in my laptop is far easier than than my desktop.

The same goes for the hard disk drive.
and a PITA to set it up hook monitor, tower and messing with the cables. Forget it for me cuz if I wanna move a laptop it only takes a few seconds to close the lid and move it to its new place. I had enough problems remembering which cable goes to which with my last desktop 10 years ago.

You can own both a desktop and a laptop. I have no need to move my computer

If you are on frequently trip so laptop is needed.

This will give me an excuse to be away from the computer and live in the real world.

Upgrading the memory in my laptop is far easier than than my desktop.

The same goes for the hard disk drive.

How do you upgrade your video card? How do you overclock anything? How do you use a full size keyboard/mouse? What about a 32" LCD monitor instead of a tiny 14-16"?
You can own both a desktop and a laptop. I have no need to move my computer

This will give me an excuse to be away from the computer and live in the real world.

How do you upgrade your video card? How do you overclock anything? How do you use a full size keyboard/mouse? What about a 32" LCD monitor instead of a tiny 14-16"?

A laptop is not made to be overclocked. You can use a full size keyboard/mouse on many different levels, Wireless USB, Bluetoof, and wired USB.

I can hook my laptop up to the 54" plasma right now and annoy the shit out of you on the plasma.

And Toshiba has been the most reliable for me. My gateways has been eehh-ish.
(If you guys are wondering, Four Toshiba, Seven Gateways. )