Well, As we know family time is not always centered at the table in this century. Time has changed, family time can be encountered with various arrangement such as a trip, gathering, events, so and on.
So, Yeah, In particular with the dinner time issue - it is also family time and I have nothing against it. As for the children behaving at the table, there are reasons to do that especially if the child has special needs or whatanot.
I rarely go out to a restaurant with my children because during the meal, they will eat but they will also not be able to sit still through out the meal. It is quite embarrassing when I get a lot of weird looks from other people watching us whenever my autistic son starts to act up, rather, starts to pinch or to bite me and gets into one of his "out of blue" crying session for no reasons. I've tried to keep him occupied (with coloring books, portable dvd player, Nintendo DS, etc) while waiting for the meal to be delivered to the table and not only that, when I try to eat, I can't even eat off my plate during the meal because that is when my attention diverts on to my son.
So, eating at home is much easier and it's less stressing for both of us.