Share Your Phobias!


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2005
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What things are you afraid of?

I am scared of elevators. And heights, but only when I can't see the other side.

How about you guys?
Heights even I don't want to look down. Snakes... Fortunately I've encountered non poisonous snakes. That's all can think of .
Strangers. Dogs and cats, iI was given my first dog at age five to try to start conquering this, but it wasn't a perfect success. I've formed many strong bonds with pets over the years, but after they were already in my home.
I can drive on bridges as long as I don't see any car on it, but I fear drivers lose control of their cars and may push me off the bridge. Argh.
Heights, but more it's edges. I've been sky diving and I used to go quarry jumping. Sky diving, standing in the doorway to the plane? Wicked scary. But the actual falling through the sky? Not scary. Jumping off a cliff? Stomach in my throat when I stand at the edge and look down, but I can run and jump off it no problem.

Oh and choking, scared to death of choking.
Spiders, Hornets, creepy crawly in general...heights, walking over a bridge stepping on the metal walk where I can see the water below. I'm terrified that it'll open up and I'll fall to the water below....and the water I've noticed has a film on it and it's dirty....and falling into that, possibly hitting a rock scares me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention spiders too. That's probably my #1 above all else. How could I forget that ??!!
The deep dark Ocean (no cruises for me). Driving in winter storms.
I have a fear of walking down the stairs in tall buildings where you can see other floors. I have mild cerebral palsy so that scares me. Like Cappy, I have fear of driving on icy road in snow storms. I am afraid of poisonous insects and snakes.
House fire....freaks me out. Was extremely prepared when the kids were home. Not so much now, definitely need to do something about it.
When I was young I had a fear of eating pinto beans or similar, like chili etc. I was afraid that it will grow in my tummy after I saw "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" briefly.
snakes, man.. yo, i dont want to get bite by snakes... *shudders*

no way, jose.
I'm scared of diving or swimming without nose clipping.
snakes, man.. yo, i dont want to get bite by snakes... *shudders*

no way, jose.

Last weekend when I sat on my riding mower and cranked up the engine all of sudden the black rat snake slither out under the hood and over my left leg. I jumped a bit like a quick shocks and I was like F#ck! Lol
Also, I'm scared of "brown" spiders because it could be brown recluse spiders.