Share your best and worst transportation stories!!

My recent bicycle trip around Chicago proved to be anything but normal. Why? Because when I got to my usual parking spot for a local gyros place over on Morse, it was already full, so I searched for another parking spot, and found one-- at the CTA Red Line, a half block ahead of where I had been previously. I was not happy, and quite frankly, would prefer to not leave my bike at any CTA station, but there were multiple cameras nearby, so I knew it would be okay.
My wife has a suggestion for a Transportation Story.... Worst one ever? We'll see...

Her maternal great-great-great-great grandfather spent 89 days in chains aboard a Convict ship on route to Western Australia in 1868. It wasn't a bad voyage - only one person died.....

Apparently it was the last ever Convict ship to sail to Oz, a decade or so later, the Gold Rush kicked in and everybody wanted to be here :)
I read something about those ships. That the women on destination were auctioned off to the women starved bachelor convicts that were sent there first years before. That must have been quite a time back then. The mind kind of staggers imagining the whole scene with the language and clothing of the time and the extreme toughness of all the people involved.
I hate airplane delays or layovers. I dread those. Waiting for hours.....
I have been flying literally since birth as tragedy struck our little family and there were long flights back and forth from Alaska to the Midwest starting when I was just about three months old. Those flights were long ordeals. My memories of flying kick in during the late Fifties. Us kids always flew on our own as Dad stayed behind in Alaska and worked, our Mom was long passed away by that time. My sisters got stuck being little Moms early on to me.
I remember then a flight all the way from Alaska to the States through Canada nonstop in a DC something or another. Propellers. Long flight, the plane pitching wildly, being thrown up and down too. Everyone throwing up. That used to be a common feature of passenger flights then. Children barfing all over. Adults barfing too. It was not a pretty sight or smell. You do not see barf bags in planes anymore but back then sometimes they ran out.
Stewardesses were especially nice to little kids then. I remember getting escorted up to the pilots area and looking around, They gave me a pin with pilots wings one time.