Share story from your customer(s).......


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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Story 1:

It does not matter what I sell whether it is a bike or a toy, I never ask people what they are doing with it. If they buy a bike from me, I figure they need a bike from me. I don't need to know what they will do with it. It's not really my business. I sold a jogging stroller to one woman who told me that she and her 10 month daughter were both kicked out of house. Her boyfriend took everything. I feel terrible for them. I'm very glad I sold a jogging stroller. The woman told me that I made her year. She is very thankful for the stroller. I'm very glad that I made the sale. I did not want to take her money, but I had to. I need money. I cannot give away free strollers. I'm glad she will be able to use the stroller, but the situation is very unfortunate. I hope she and her kid are doing ok.

Note that I did not ask for those information. She volunteered the information that she was kicked out. It happens more than what you think it may happen.

Story 2:

My girlfriend's sister sold me a 1999 Saturn SL2 wagon 2 years ago. When she sold me the car, her Mom gave me 2 sets of keys for it. Then when I sold it, I lost 1 set of key. I sold the car with one set of key. The buyer broke that set of key so he asked me if I would find the other set. I felt bad that I would not find the other set so he had to get new keys made. It was many, many months later that I found the other set while cleaning up. Nothing I would do then.

Have any to share???
I sell vintage/antiques. I had a medical book (Dr. Whittier's Marriage Guide) from the 1800s (1860s, I think.) It was a fascinating little book!

Last month, a woman bought it from me. It was a wedding present for her boss. I thought that was fun! :)

Jen M.
I sell vintage/antiques. I had a medical book (Dr. Whittier's Marriage Guide) from the 1800s (1860s, I think.) It was a fascinating little book!

Last month, a woman bought it from me. It was a wedding present for her boss. I thought that was fun! :)

Jen M.

What kind of vintages or antiques do you typically sell???
I used to do taxes for people, and they told me SO many fun stories. My favorite were the divorced women. One found out her husband was having an affair after being abusive to her. She was SO mad, so before she left him, she went to their bedroom... and sat down on their waterbed, with a little needle, and poked a million little holes in the mattress!!! He loved the bed, and there was no way to fix it... hahaha so she was very happy.
What kind of vintages or antiques do you typically sell???

It's mostly books and silver (holloware.) I have other items I have not added to my shop yet, because I need to research them.I have glassware, antique toys, and all kinds of stuff to add yet, but the research takes time. Eventually, I'm going to have to hire an appraiser for some of my items.

It's really fun and interesting. :)

Jen M.
I used to do taxes for people, and they told me SO many fun stories. My favorite were the divorced women. One found out her husband was having an affair after being abusive to her. She was SO mad, so before she left him, she went to their bedroom... and sat down on their waterbed, with a little needle, and poked a million little holes in the mattress!!! He loved the bed, and there was no way to fix it... hahaha so she was very happy.

THAT is a great story! :D

Jen M.
While working in the pharmacy you learn quickly who are the patients who try to get their pain meds way before they are due. So one day a customer called and said he accidentally poured his coffe into his pill bottle by accident. So I told him to bring it in so I could see how many pills i could write off. I was suprised to receive his bottle that was suppose to be Vicodin covered in coffee. There was no Vicodin in the bottle just plain Tylemol. I love catching people who think they have fooled us. So many stories.....
While working in the pharmacy you learn quickly who are the patients who try to get their pain meds way before they are due. So one day a customer called and said he accidentally poured his coffe into his pill bottle by accident. So I told him to bring it in so I could see how many pills i could write off. I was suprised to receive his bottle that was suppose to be Vicodin covered in coffee. There was no Vicodin in the bottle just plain Tylemol. I love catching people who think they have fooled us. So many stories.....

That's a bit relaxing. I pick up my grandmother's perscriptions (she's confined to a wheel chair) I've had this odd feeling that the pharmacist was wondering what I was doing with her pain killers after I picked them up. Now that I know you guys actually have the ability to see who's misusing them and who's not, I feel much :) better about medicine pick up days.