Share About Yourself


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2005
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The title says it all.

We’ve become a community over these years. Do you feel like sharing a little bit about yourself? Don’t share anything you are not comfortable sharing. This is the Internet after all, but it’ll be fun to get to know some of us a bit more.

I’ll start. I’m nearly 48, divorced a couple of years. I live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, AKA Minnesota. I’ve been deaf since birth, and use both ASL and spoken English. I have a handful of cats. No, I promise I’m not the crazy cat lady living next door or in your alley. I do graphic design for a living, and my hobby is photography. I’ve had a few paying gigs for my photography work, but really, just a hobby still. I promise I don’t stalk anyone.
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No secret that I love the NE Patriots and Zumba. I love Spanish and ASL. That takes care of it :D
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Oops! Double post this phone
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^^ Triple post now LOL (I'd be merging those 3 posts reaaaaally quick if that showed up on the forum I mod lol).

<"About Me" for me will be forthcoming>
I think y'all know about me already.
I love blue
I love trains
I have 2 CIs
I'm sweet and innocent ;)
^^ Triple post now LOL (I'd be merging those 3 posts reaaaaally quick if that showed up on the forum I mod lol).

<"About Me" for me will be forthcoming>

It’s my phone on posting timing . Technology go figure . If you are mod go ahead and delete the other two lol
Alright, I’ll reveal a bit about myself. Some of you already know me (by the 4 c’s). A crazy, caring, curious, cynical Southern belle, accountant, and mother to a beautiful daughter. I’m native to North Carolina and grew up near a USMC installation. I have been progressively deaf since I was a baby, then completely deaf by the middle of college. I have since used a CI successfully although not very fluent in ASL. AND I’m known by friends as the nutcracker, obviously self explanatory, but cute. ;)
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I think some of you know who I am but I'll share some basic things about myself. I'm deaf since birth, born and raised in California, went to mainstream classes. I have spoken English, and sign PSE while wearing HA. I'm a long time employee of the largest package delivery company. Calvin and Hobbes is my favorite comic which assembles how mischievious I am. :)
OBSESSED with the color blue... sixteen... ASL student... lover of meeting cool, new people from the comfort of my room... writer/author :)
Okay here I go....I was conceived in April, born in Dec 25th, born deaf, went to a oral school for 3 1/2 years now hoh, had my heart surgery at 3 months old on March 17th, then became a woman on Feb 14th, got married twice, had two girls, and now single. That's all I am saying. Whew, that wasn't so hard now was it, talks to self. Now runs for cover>>>>> :afro:
I do definitely sure that some of you know about me. I'm 30 years old guy from the South. I'm born Deaf due Usher Syndrome Type I. I was military brat when my father served in the Marines and my sister is currently in military bootcamp at Air Force in Texas. After I got diagnosed with Deaf when I was 19 months old, so they introduced me to use ASL, so eventually, they forced me to use SEE when I went to elementary school for 7 years. I abandoned SEE entirely after I went to Deaf school. I'm on leave from Gally and currently work as beta tester and contribution to hacking communities in video games.
I cook and bake.
I have all my teeth, fingers and toes.
I play with my long hair. Too much.
I am obsessed with chocolate. I was dared to eat combination of liverwurst and M&M together and I won. I actually like it. Don't ask me to dare you to eat the same food, so I can watch you puke.
I don't drink coffee, and alcohol beverages.
I never smoke in my entire life.
I'm the youngest of 7 full and half siblings.
I'm a great aunt. I have several great niece and nephews. My great nephews are twins.
Was born deaf due to ototoxic drug and raised with hearing aids all my life. I still wear them.
I first learned SEE at 8 years old at a D/HH mainstream program school.
I avoid 4 day course antibiotics like a plague. I'm allergic to three of them.
I sketch and draw daily.
I like to draw and paint. I already said that.
I'm an illustrator.
I'm a mom of my mischievous son I love with my whole heart.
I climbed on all of the pyramids in Mexico except Uxmal.
I was the second vice president of the art organization in a city.
I'm married for 10 years. We know each other for over 14 years.
Was born in a tiny town of 200 population in Northern California at the time.
I am Deafblind. I was born in New Zealand with an under active thyroid and Asperger syndrome. I first started needing hearing aids at age 11. Went profoundly deaf in my 30's. Started losing sight at age 17. My vision fluctuates. I went almost completely blind several years ago then some of my vision was restored.

I used to post a long time ago as Dreama. I am 47 and live in Birmingham, England. I like to read a lot and eat vegan ice-cream!