Sex toy nearly killed Hugh Hefner

There is no amount of money in this world that would be enough for me to have sex with a dirty old man, which is exactly what Hugh Hefner is. I wonder if he has pedophilia, he likes sex so much.

He must be doing something right..he is worth gazillions!
Lol What's rumspringa ? That term is new to me. I've never used that word before. :P

it's the time period in young Amish's life (around 16 years old) where he's allowed to do what normal people do. He has to decide whether or not to come back to Amish life.

I am dying here!

Make sure she haven't went through rumspringa yet!

ha ha It reminds me of the movie that a gal who had been through rumspringa that she used to crush on a guy in NYC. I forget the whole story but you are right. She has not yet going through rumspringa then she's all clean. :shock:
I got it. Thank you, rockdrummer and Jiro. LOL @ Frisky Feline!