Servus from Bavaria!


New Member
Oct 16, 2009
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Hello fellows!

I'm born deaf in Bavaria, Southgermany, and the only one in hearing family, but i communicate in German Sign Language with it at all. I, "darling of fortune", have the lovely mum, who is an interpreter of GSL. :) (How do you write German Sign Language in short form? just DGS too?)
Being deaf mean to me a big challenge in life. Being deaf makes you being a special person with very many interest experiences and touches your life intensely. Being deaf never makes you boring in life. Nevertheless, sometimes I'm frustrated of being deaf, too. But that's simply the life with high points and low points. (low and high points the right word-choices?!)

I have a big interest in English and ASL and BSL and deaf cultures in space of English-speaking people. Im going to grammar school, just for this one year. I would be glad to write with you, be friends, learn more about the cultures and help me practising my awkward English perhaps.
I could teach you German, if you want. :)
And i see, there are also a lot of Germans. That's awesome :D

If you've any questions, so you're welcome!


P.S: I'm so sorry! I forgot, that the english people never use the letter "ü" and it's difficult to find this letter on american or british keyboards. I didn't want to make you difficultly finding me. :Oops:
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:

Hi Pünktchen! :wave:

I'm a TA at a school for the Deaf in the South West of England. We teach in BSL, and we are starting to use Cued Speech to help the children learn English. I can speak German, and I'm really interested in DGS since I watched Jenseits der Stille and Stille Liebe! Send me a message if you feel like it :)

Ich arbeite als Lehrassistentin bei einer Gehörlosenschule in Südwestengland. Wir unterrichten auf BSL, und neulich nützen wir auch das Phonembestimmtes Manualsystem damit die Kinder Englisch lernen können. Ich kann auch Deutsch, und ich interessiere mich sehr für DGS seit ich Jenseit der Stille und Stille Liebe sah! Schick mir eine Nachricht, wenn du Lust hast :) :cool2:

Welcome! :welcome:

Would you mind translating the duck avatar? It looks interesting. :wave:

Welcome! :welcome:

Would you mind translating the duck avatar? It looks interesting. :wave:

Thank you!

"Irgendwas rät mir unverzüglich den Rückzug anzutreten"? :D

some such thing:
"Something advises me to beat retreat/to pull out immediately."

I love the quotation.

Do you like the duck,too?

:wave: welcome!

or should I say, wilkommen! is that right? mein deutsch is nicht sehr gut. :lol:

Thank you! That's cute. :lol:
everything's O.K., just the word "Willkommen" has two L's. ;)
WELCOME! Theres Other ADers here from Germany ;) Hope you get to mingle with them!