Server Move

Hey Alex..

which is V3 or V4 ???

:fingersx: am I win?
GalaxyAngel said:
but it say 4...on the AD logo

Hey Alex.. which v 3 or 4 ???

I hope I'm win... :D :fingersx:
Yes, it's version 4. However, I'm thinking about removing the version number because I don't see the need for it anymore. :o


you owe me....
SING ALLDEAF.COM time to go....
Alex said:
All sub-domains and images should be working by now. If you notice any missing attachments, please let me know.


I tried to click on "manage attachments" wont bring up..:whistle:
Should work by now.

Let me know if the manage attachment feature still doesn't work.
:thumb: Thank you for the information Alex!!!! It has to be a lot of work to change over to another server. Good luck!!! :thumb:
Spiffier! So fast that color missed your avatar. :)

Thanks so much for your contribution to the deaf community.
Castleman said:
you misunderstood what i was trying to tell you.


Ain't misunderstand YOU..

You mentioned v3 bottom below...

All images, text, website design, and other content are Copyright © 2002-2006 by, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.7
Copyright ©2000 - 2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

BUT... Alex stated that v4 is newer. btw I'm right answer reason the AD logo shown v4.. (mouseover)
GalaxyAngel said:
Ain't misunderstand YOU..

You mentioned v3 bottom below...

All images, text, website design, and other content are Copyright © 2002-2006 by, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.7
Copyright ©2000 - 2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.

BUT... Alex stated that v4 is newer. btw I'm right answer reason the AD logo shown v4.. (mouseover)

yeah that is WHY i said the cat won :ugh:
Tic tac toe game, if you both can't win, that means the "cat" won the game.
alldeaf version is 4 (this forum version)

vBulletin version is 3.0.7 (software version)

Those are two different things.
GalaxyAngel said:
*ahem* Castleman!

He's aaa-f-f-fraid to sing AllDeaf...
No wonder why!
LOOK at linuxgold's comments we were talking about 2 different things

re read it again :ugh:
alldeaf version is 4 (this forum version)......this is what you were talking about,Bullymom

vBulletin version is 3.0.7 (software version)... This is what i was talking about.

Those are two different things.

that means the cat won......
Castleman said:
alldeaf version is 4 (this forum version)......this is what you were talking about,Bullymom

vBulletin version is 3.0.7 (software version)... This is what i was talking about.

Those are two different things.

that means the cat won......

Excuse me, Do you think, am I Deaftard?
Heck no!
I've already knows... What I did copied and pasted bottom...
you didn't read my comment CARRREEEFULLY wha... am I saying.. *ugh*

Why can't you quit yer bad breath again?
:ugh:~ uh not again, Why you're keep avoiding?

So What cat won.. by the way..

you're still have to SING.... AllDeaf Pretty please..
GalaxyAngel and Castleman, let's stop please. This is Alex's thread and this is no place for your war.
GalaxyAngel said:
Excuse me, Do you think, am I Deaftard?
Heck no!
I've already knows... What I did copied and pasted bottom...
you didn't read my comment CARRREEEFULLY wha... am I saying.. *ugh*

Why can't you quit yer bad breath again?
:ugh:~ uh not again, Why you're keep avoiding?

So What cat won.. by the way..

you're still have to SING.... AllDeaf Pretty please..

i dont have to sing cuz you didnt win, if you won i would have to sing.

damn ill stop here, because this thread is going no where now... :crazy: