Separated at Birth


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May 20, 2003
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Now this is funny, regardless of political persuasion


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MizzDeaf said:
No -- Pyle is part of actor on TV show in 60's (not think that is right)

Oh, I know...way before my time, but I was thinking, Kerry's about to be president...or maybe, anyway...and since the resemblance is so uncanny people might call him President Pyle instead... :lol:
That guy already dead of course... (my theory is.. Gomer's spirting went into john's mother's preggy) and grow up.. Now John is looks alike Gomer's..

Sometime I felt that am I not belong from now.. Looks like someone who come from 1900's .. why am I dreaming from 1900's.. Strange.. I've seen peoples are nice eglangent (sp) and wonderful big houses and also have awesome barn. Riding on the horse for travelling.. Don't know what am I doing and re-thinking.. why am I here.. *dispearing* I woke up.. Wha.. a strange!
Oh well..

Look like Gomer's spriting went into John"s body become looks like him now.. and likes to see the future.. (just my theory is correct or wrong) who cares!
:rofl: OMG!!!!! they definately DO look so much alike!!!!! :shock:

MizzDeaf -- u might be right that Gomer Pyle aired on TV back in the 60s
Hmm... looks like we could be looking at some goof-ups?