Sensorineural hearing loss

I will ask him about a summer camp program. There are quite a few deaf and hoh teens in the deaf club. He is just beginning to communicate with them and get over his shyness.
And if I find out about any programs I'll pass them on to you. sometimes there are scholarships and things like that. Gallaudet and NTID offer summer programs (and i think they may be a mix of academic and traditional camp programs)
It's kind of too bad he's not a girl. If he was a girl I would urge you to send him to the mainstream Y camp I attended as a teen. I used to be really shy too, until I went to this camp. well not wicked shy. More like "deaf mainstream shy" I'd been teased and tormented at my mainstream school. So I had no self esteem and went into a shell.
But maybe there might be a deaf camp like that for him. I know it would prolly help almost any mainstreamed dhh (and I know he's homeschooled but he was formally mainstreamed right?) kid to have regular exposure to other kids like them....and of course some homeschooled kids also have the social issues. Maybe counseling (if you have health insurance) might help him get over his shyness.
I would contact the Deaf Christian camps. Maybe a good idea might be to talk to your pastor and see if maybe you could do some sort of fundraiser to go there.
That's awesome that he's already got a connection to other dhh teens. MAN. I'm jealous. I didn't even meet other dhh kids until I was an older teen.
You can always network with the other parents and see what's out there.
Does he have a teacher of the deaf come in? I know depending on the state you can request that a TOD serve your homeschooled dhh kid. Also, are you aware of NAATHAN? (National Challenged Homeschoolers Association?)
Homeschooling special needs children
It does seem to be kind of fundie focused. (NOT a slur.....just saying it seems really conservative Christian homeschooling) Like, the reason they are homeschooling their kids is b/c they wanted them to have a Christian homeschool education. It might be helpful for you, but if I recall you're homeschooling your kids b/c their needs weren't being met in mainstream school right?
Oh, and i was browsing around, and I found some links for CAPD!!!! Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Parents and Homeschoolers
Just as an aside.... I wonder if cued speech might be able to help your daughter.
That might be somethign that could help her. She could listen through her eyes. (cued speech is bascily a visual Hooked on Phonics sort of thign. Transferring sound to sight)
Heck maybe ASL might be helpful for her even thou she's only got a mild loss.
I have Sensorineural hearing loss. My audiogram shows that I have slight hearing loss. Since I have problem with the nerve I can't understand speech clearly. So, I am worried that hearing aid may or not work for me since I have problem with the nerve ! I just want to know how the members here with sensorineural hearing loss are being treated. Anything shared in this thread would be greatly appreciated.

If you have never understood speech before then you probably wont with your aids, even if the aids gives you the clarity and amplification needed to understand it.