What a rude little kid. BANHAMMER!!
I have been known to be semi-incoherent by people. I've also been told to be completely inchoherant. I am not deaf, I just don't listen to well.
It's not that I don't understand people, it's more that people don't understand me.
What does it mean to be incoherent to you?
So what your saying is...Your not Deaf...you just dont listen?
Well upon review that just seems like you have Attention Deficit Disorder....Just my observation and no one should hassle you for it. try some Ritalin or Aderol and maybe that could help you IF you feel the need to "correct" this "Issue".
You may even be describing Autism.
Now...moving along.
Are you trying to compare not caring about what people have to say to being Deaf?
If you think that because you dont feel understood by others and you lack enthusiasm when it comes listening to others and THAT gives you some sense of macabre common ground with Deafies then I can not stress just how far off you are.
It doesnt work the same way.
Why are you on this website? as I read your other posts it just seems you have some false sense of entitlement because you have the ability to hear and you think this makes you some large authority? and everything I have read that you have posted seems to insist upon itself just as you do.
"I find it interesting in people who take interest in their own handicap." You stated this in another thread...I am NOT handicapped.
this is like meeting someone french and because they do not speak your language all of a sudden they are "handicapped".
Were here on alldeaf to meet others who speak our language.
You also say your a "pro in hearing" do you have a degree in Audiology?
Im Deaf...Im not a professional "Deafie"....IM JUST DEAF. and your just a hearie!
You should get back to recess kiddo.