Self inflicted deaf girlfriend?

A deaf groupie? Trying to distract the interpreter? Have these people ever considered growing up? How would they like it if they were talking (orally) to a friend and some deaf person interrupted them or was otherwise rude to them?
So are "deaf groupies" and "deaf wannabes" the same and are different than the people who try to damage hearing and become deaf?

I'm saying I think you can be a deaf groupie and not want to harm yourself to become deaf. Probably both groups have the same motivation as far as joining Deaf culture but the people who injure themselves have more serious mental problems, or maybe just a much more intense version of the social problems that the "regular" groupies have.
I'm a little late in the game, but yes, there's absolutely people who wish to disable themselves in a multitude of ways. It's called BIID. As of yet, the only recognised effective treatment for the intense feelings someone with BIID might feel is indeed obtaining the intended disability.

jillio: I fail to see how GID and BIID are so different. At the end of the day, it's an intense desire to change some part of your physical self as to be alligned with your psychological self. If it takes the form of genital reassignment or an amputation... it is essentially the same. More imporantly, there's absolutely no evidence that intensive psychotherapy relieves a person of the feelings assiociated with BIID- just as it does not with GID.

Please, let's not judge others. I cannot say that they are sick because I've never walked those shoes. I'm betting, neither can you.
I'm a little late in the game, but yes, there's absolutely people who wish to disable themselves in a multitude of ways. It's called BIID. As of yet, the only recognised effective treatment for the intense feelings someone with BIID might feel is indeed obtaining the intended disability.

jillio: I fail to see how GID and BIID are so different. At the end of the day, it's an intense desire to change some part of your physical self as to be alligned with your psychological self. If it takes the form of genital reassignment or an amputation... it is essentially the same. More imporantly, there's absolutely no evidence that intensive psychotherapy relieves a person of the feelings assiociated with BIID- just as it does not with GID.

Please, let's not judge others. I cannot say that they are sick because I've never walked those shoes. I'm betting, neither can you.

GID is a disorder that can be diagnosed, it is recognized under the criteria set forth in the DSM-IV(R) and has been shown to have a biological and a spychological cause. BIID is not a recognized diagnosis, and has not been shown to ahve biological implications. It has, however, been shown to have psuchological implications that fall under the criteria set forth for other mental disorders, and therefore, falls into that category. That would be the difference. Motivation for the desired change is a factor in determining diagnosis.
GID is a disorder that can be diagnosed, it is recognized under the criteria set forth in the DSM-IV(R) and has been shown to have a biological and a spychological cause. BIID is not a recognized diagnosis, and has not been shown to ahve biological implications. It has, however, been shown to have psuchological implications that fall under the criteria set forth for other mental disorders, and therefore, falls into that category. That would be the difference. Motivation for the desired change is a factor in determining diagnosis.

Homosexuality used to camp in the DSM, too. You have to accept that the standards are constantly changing and being revised.
Please, let's not judge others. I cannot say that they are sick because I've never walked those shoes. I'm betting, neither can you.

Good post. I totally agree with this. I think these people need more understanding. As someone who was blind for psycosomatic reasons for about 10 years when I was younger and I also used to wear my hearing aid's turned off to delibrately block out all sound.

Some people can be really hostile when they realise the cause of my blindness. I now have quite severe light senistivity. So bad that at times I have to wear sleeper shades. It must seem really freaky to some people but it's the only way I can manage to get about in bright daylight now. It also means I can't see anything at all. My eye tests say that there is nothing wrong with the eyes themselves so I shouldn't be having all this problem with light, but I do. I don't want anybody's pity and I'm certainly not doing it for money.

I think people should be allowed to have their limbs amputated if that's what they really want. Also if they want their sight or hearing removed it would be far less messy if they didn't have to do it themselves and could have an operation done same as with transexuals. They could even help other people in need by donating their various bits to those who need them. I've thought of donating one of my cornea's but don't know how to go about it. They won't even let me donate my blood so being a live organ doner won't be easy which is a pity as I could do with the good Karma right now. Of course at the moment I'd only donate one as I have still some useful vision but if I ever lost that due to psycological or neurological reasons they would be welcome to both.
We had to have the academic equivalent of a restraining order against this one hearing kid who used to go to classes with the deaf students that the kid wasn't even in, and disrupt the interpreters' work.
sounds like Asperger's Syndrome.
So bad that at times I have to wear sleeper shades. It must seem really freaky to some people but it's the only way I can manage to get about in bright daylight now. It
Why not get eyepatches so you look like a pirate? (like that pirate from the Far Side cartoon......."there's Cap'tn Billy Jack..........he's twice the pirate anyone else is....and then there's a pirate with two of everything including eyepatches, hooks etc)
Why not get eyepatches so you look like a pirate?

K, this is a bit off topic. As someone with very severe photophobia (pain as a reaction to light in the eyes) I can personally testify that eye patches are good, but not great. First, they have the little fold over that can sometimes allow a drop of light in. When your eyes hurt so much that you're not above clawing them out... even a bit of light is way too much. Given time and wear, the fold bends around and can expand, making the problem worst.

Second, you just look bloody odd wearing two eye patches. If you're blind and you're wearing sleep shades, nobody will doubt the explaination that you're doing it as part of orientation and mobility training.. because alot of blind people -do- O&M with sleepshades.
Homosexuality used to camp in the DSM, too. You have to accept that the standards are constantly changing and being revised.

Yes, they are. But at this point in time, they have not been revised. BIID is not diagnosable under DSMIV-(R) criteria.
I thought Hyperacusis (Fact Sheet: Hyperacusis ? An increased sensitivity to everyday sounds) could be the problem but I read the link and found that it could be helped with therapy. I suppose that some of those hearing people who are trying to do away with their hearing might have this condition but wasn't diagnosed. Do you think that this certain person may want to go deaf so he/she can control the sounds with hearing aids?
I thought Hyperacusis (Fact Sheet: Hyperacusis ? An increased sensitivity to everyday sounds) could be the problem but I read the link and found that it could be helped with therapy. I suppose that some of those hearing people who are trying to do away with their hearing might have this condition but wasn't diagnosed. Do you think that this certain person may want to go deaf so he/she can control the sounds with hearing aids?

Yeah... I agree with you... one of my hearing friends.. she has cotton in both ears of hers.. I asked her if she has ear sores.. she said no... she was so senitive to sounds... cannot stand any sounds... so she uses cottons in her ears.. so she can hear better.. even can use the phone...
another friend who is HOH.. she uses cotton in one of her ear...same reason.. she cannot stand the sounds.. so she uses cotton to blot out sounds and can hear better with cotton...
Yeah... I agree with you... one of my hearing friends.. she has cotton in both ears of hers.. I asked her if she has ear sores.. she said no... she was so senitive to sounds... cannot stand any sounds... so she uses cottons in her ears.. so she can hear better.. even can use the phone...
another friend who is HOH.. she uses cotton in one of her ear...same reason.. she cannot stand the sounds.. so she uses cotton to blot out sounds and can hear better with cotton...

Does she go to a therapy for it? The link I provided said something about therapy that can help.
I don't think such people will admit they are doing it on purpose on this forum.

There could have been a reason she did it, perhaps she was like me--who suffers from ear problems all the time and they constantly hurt, and she wanted to ear pains? I haven't done that because I don't want to destroy what I have, but if she encountered ear pain constantly and the doctors didn't know why, maybe she got fed up of it? I don't know.

Or, she could just be crazy. :D
let me say that i am not deaf, nor do i hope to someday be so, or am trying to do anything to damage my ability to hear. but for some reason i find deaf ppl (men or women) very attractive, and only for the reason of them being deaf. so there is deaf fetishism out there, but i recently was watching a documentary on people who have incomplete images of their own body in their mind. like if you were one of these people and your body image was u without one of ur legs, wen someone touched it you would feel it but it wouldnt really register as well. in said documentary, it stated that there were many many cases (cant remember specific numbers right now) in witch people would cut their leg, foot, hand, arm etc. etc. and pack dirt and dust in the cut so it would become infected, and slowely spread to that entire part they want removed and then go to the hospital to have it maybe that is the same case, in witch they just see themselves as a non hearing person